Not meant to be

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*A/N* So thanks for all the reads! I appreciate it a lot! Also, if you have a request for me or something you can comment them or message me about them.

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''What did you feel when we were together?''

''Everything I've never felt before.''

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I walk through the doors of Stark Towers as I get greeted by FRIDAY. ''Good Afternoon Peter. Your father is in his lab waiting for you.'' ''Thanks FRI!'' I reply as I walk to the elevator. Recently, my pop's been acting weird around me and my dad. I think it's just because his bestfriend, Bucky just moved in here though so I'm not too worried.

The elevator stops moving so I step out of it. ''Hi dad!'' I say happily. He turns around with a huge smile on his face. ''Kid! Come here! I made some adjustments to your suit, here watch this.'' He says while grabbing a new pair of webshooters. ''Try them.'' He explains while I put them on. Once they're on I realize they're a little lighter than my old webshooters. I look at him with a huge smile plastered on my face as I shoot a web at the wall. ''Whoa!'' I say, a little shocked at all the new web options he added. ''It's cool right?'' He asks me while he goes back to work on my suit. ''Cool? I love it!'' I reply enthusiastically. He ruffles my hair as he walks back to his suit.

We work on our suits for a while before my dad speaks up again. ''Why don't you go get your pops and get some dinner, huh?'' ''Sure, we'll call you when it's ready.'' I reply as i put my stuff away. I walk to the elevator and press the button. ''FRIDAY? Where's pops?'' I ask as I get into the elevator. ''Steve is in the training room, Peter. Would you like to go there?'' FRIDAY replies. ''Yes please.'' I answer as I feel the elevator moving.

I walk out of the elevator and into the hallway trying to find my pops. There are only three training rooms so it won't be too hard to find him, I think to myself as I walk through the hallway.

I arrive at the last training room, but my pops isn't there. That's strange... FRIDAY said he was here... ''FRIDAY?'' I ask quietly. ''Yes, Peter?'' She replies easily. ''Where is pops?'' ''Steve is in the changing room of training area 2.'' FRIDAY answers quickly. That's strange. He almost never uses that training room, he thinks it's too 'empty'. He prefers the third one... ''Who's with him? Or is he alone?'' I ask not wanting to just walk in if a stranger's in there. ''Steve and Bucky are currently the only one in there.'' FRIDAY replies. I nod as I walk towards the changing rooms.

As I'm walking towards the changing rooms I hear some weird sounds coming from there, but I'm assuming it's nothing so I quietly open the door and walk in. As I walk further into the room I see my pops... doing something with Bucky I wish I hadn't seen. Tears start to form in my eyes as I quietly whisper to FRIDAY to get dad in here.

Steve and Bucky apparently heard me as they suddenly stop what they're doing and try to get their clothes. I quickly web their clothes to the wall so they're forced to stay the way they were when I found them. ''Peter-'' Steve starts as I cut him off. ''No. I don't want to hear it. You lied!'' I interrupt as I start to cry. ''Do you- do you even l-love me?'' I ask him quietly as I hear FRIDAY inform me dad's on his way. ''Of course I do, sweetheart.'' He says softly as he grabs a towel to put around his waist. ''Then- then-'' I start when I hear the door open. I turn around and see dad walking towards me.

''So... why're you crying, kid?'' He asks after a couple of minutes. ''I- well-'' ''Easy, deep breaths.'' He interrupts before I can continue. I take a deep breath as I continue the story. ''I- I came h-here to get p-pops l-like you- you asked b-but when I e-entered he and- he and Bucky we-were...'' I say as I start crying again. ''Hey, hey, it's okay. I'll ask FRIDAY, okay?'' He whispers to me as I nod.

''FRIDAY, what happened here when Peter entered? Show me the footage, will ya?'' He asks FRIDAY before a hologram pops up. Dad clicks play as tears start to well in his eyes and his face becomes 3 shades paler. Once the video ends dad looks up to Steve. ''You- and I- why?'' He then asks while tears stream down his face.

Steve opens his mouth to say something before dad cuts him off again. ''No. You know what? Just get out. Now.'' ''What?'' ''Out. Go find an apartment to stay in or a hotel I don't care just- out. And don't come back. Ever.'' Dad says harshly. ''What about Peter?'' Pops asks while gathering his clothes from the floor. ''Peter stays here.'' My dad says, not leaving any room for discussion as he walks out of the room, taking me with him.

We walk into the kitchen when dad falls onto his knees and starts sobbing. Aunt Natasha quickly comes to us and asks what's wrong. ''H-he cheated on me with Bucky!'' My dad explains quickly, as he goes into a panic attack. Nat sighs before helping me calm dad down.

After a while dad's calm again. We order some pizza, call uncle Rhodey and start a movie night. I grab the snacks and lots of ice cream when I hear the elevator ding. I look up and see uncle Rhodey walking out of the elevator. ''Hey kid.'' He greets as I smile at him.

We start a disney movie once everyone's here. After a while I start to get tired so I lean against my dad's shoulder. He starts to massage my curls and before I know it I'm asleep in my dad's lap.

. . .

It's been 3 months since Steve left us for Bucky but we're doing good so far. Steve tried to contact us a couple of times before finally stopping completely.

Dad started spending more time with me and the rest of the avengers, especially Natasha, Rhodey and Pepper. I'm happy he has such good friends who make sure he doesn't start drinking again. Dad claims he's over Steve which is amazing.

I walk out of the lab to the kitchen where dad's standing. ''Hey kid. How about we go to the mall. We can ask Nat, Rhodes and Pepper too if you want. You need some new clothes.'' He asks as I nod. ''Sure.'' I reply as he asks FRIDAY to get the rest. Once everyone's here we walk to the garage and get into one of dad's fancy cars.

After a short ride we finally arrive at the mall. We go into multiple stores before we decide it's time for lunch. We decide to go to Tacobell for lunch because we wanted to. As we walk into the diner I freeze. Steve and Bucky are here. I look up at dad but apparently he hasn't spotted them yet. We sit down at a table and order our food. After half an hour I see Steve walking up to us. Dad spots him and smiles at him, I guess he really did get over him. ''Tony I- I owe you an apology. I'm sorry.'' Dad looks at Steve and starts laughing. ''Steve I don't care. Please just go now and let me enjoy my day to the mall.'' He replies as he continues eating his food. Steve opens his mouth again but dad waves him off. Dad turns to me as he ruffles my hair. ''Eat up kid, we're not done here yet.'' He says to me while drinking his Fanta. I finish my food and before I know it we're going into tons of other stores.

Once we're home again we all sit on the couch, exhausted from all the shopping we did. I smile at dad before he puts on a movie. We start watching the movie and before we know it we all slowly start to fall asleep.

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