You didn't love me like he does

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So uh, I have a fan account on instagram, if you'd like to follow it.

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"If you have to choose between me and her, choose her. Because if you really loved me, there wouldn't be any other choice."
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I look at the male standing in front of me, he has short, brown hair, which is neatly styled to the side and beautiful blue eyes which fit his perfect plump lips perfectly. His shirt fitting his body neatly, defining every curve and muscle you can imagine, his arm flexing in the sun as he stares right back at me.

I look back up at my dad, who sighs, I turn my head to face uncle Steve who immediately looks away. "What's going on?" I ask quietly, trying to find out why we're all here without saying anything. No one answers my question, though.

"Where's mom?" I then ask, realizing I haven't seen her this morning before she went to work. "She hasn't left yet, has she? Cause she didn't say good morning to me today." I continue, a little confused as to why she didn't greet me, or wake me up, like she usually does.

My dad turns to look at me, while gently placing his hands on my shoulder. "Your mom, she, uh... she'll be here soon." He says while walking towards the kitchen, to grab some coffee. "Want some?" He asks the strange man, who nods, as he continues to make the coffee's.

"Who's he?" I finally ask after a couple of minutes of staring at the stranger. He turns to look at me but then turns back at my dad, who nods at him, before he opens his mouth. "Bucky. I'm Bucky, kid." I nod. "I'm Peter, sir." I reply politely. He smiles a bit before returning his gaze to the wall, like before.

Shortly after, the elevator dings. I turn around to look who there to see my mom walking out of it. "Mom!" I greet enthusiastically. She smiles softly as she gives me one of her hugs, before releasing me and walking over to my dad.

"Tony..." She begins, sounding... sad. "Tony look at me." She demands, making dad look up at her. "I'm sorry... I- I can't choose between you and him, I tried, but-" She rambles before dad cuts in. "Cut it, if you really loved me, there wouldn't be any other choice." He states before getting up to grab a stack of papers.

"Here." He says, pointing at the paper in front of her. "Just a signature and the divorce will be final." He explains. I look at my parents before slowly looking over to uncle Steve. "What's happening?" I ask quietly, not to sure what to expect.

Dad looks up at me before waving me over to where they are all seated. "Mom and I, are getting a divorce bud." He explains sadly. I frown as I look over to my mom. "Why?" I ask curiously. "Because your mom found someone else, it happens." He explains gently. I turn around to give him a hug, as my mom signs the papers.

"What about me? Where will I be living?" I ask once all the papers are signed. Mom looks at me sadly, "Here, with your dad and the Avengers." She explains. "It's for the best." She continues. I nod slowly before asking another question. "When will I see you? Weekends?" She ruffles my hair as she gives me a hug. "No hunny, I uh, I'm moving to... I'm moving to another state. You can visit me in your vacation, okay big guy?" I nod silently as I walk back to where my dad is. She quickly says goodbye before disappearing into the same elevator that got her here.

Dad gives me a soft side hug before pushing me back onto the couch so we can watch some TV. "Does Bucky live here?" I ask suddenly. Uncle Steve looks up at me with a small smile before answering. "Yes he does, since yesterday. He's my boyfriend." He explains as I smile at them. "That's great!" I answer, glad to have another person to call my uncle.

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It's been five months since my parents divorce and I can't help but see the love my dad has for a certain wizard. Or, Sorcerer Supreme as he'd say. His name is Stephen Strange and he's actually a very nice dude, they're both just too stubborn to admit that they love each other.

I knock on Uncle Bucky's door while hearing some things being thrown around inside. He opens the door and quickly pulls me in. "Pete!" He greets happily. "Uncle Bucky!" I reply just as happy. He smiles at me as he pats a soft on the couch next to him, where I can sit. "So what brought you here?" He asks while handing me some sandwiches. "Do you know how to bring people together?" I ask, being maybe a bit too straightforward. He grins before nodding quickly. "Yes, who? Wait, is it Tony and Stephen?" He asks while I take a bite off my sandwich, I nod at him as he first pumps in the air.

He explains the plan once again before we tell FRIDAY to bring everyone to the movie room, of course, we informed everyone about the plan already.

Every one sits down at their assigned seats except for Tony and Stephen who are, of course, still in Tony's lab. After a while though, they arrive at the room looking through the seats before setting their eyes on the love seat. They shrug before heading over there while FRIDAY starts the movie.

Halfway through the movie I can see dad snuggling up to Stephen, who apparently, doesn't mind. Not much after 3 quarters of the movie, I fall asleep, already forgetting our "mission".

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I wake up to the sound of pans hitting each other before it suddenly stops.

"Ah, you're up." Dad states as he marches over to the bed. "Uh, yes I am, why?" I ask confused as to why he wants me to wake up on a Saturday. He chuckles, making his nose crinkle a bit before explaining. "Stephen and I wanted to let you know, we're officially dating since yesterday. We know it was a set up though. Thanks kiddo." He says smiling warmly.

"Yes!" I cheer as I tell FRIDAY to inform Bucky of the news. Not too much after there's another "Yes!" Heard through the tower by a certain Bucky Barnes.

Dad laughs a bit before telling me to get ready for the day because Him, Stephen and I are going shopping this afternoon.

I quickly get ready and start eating my breakfast. Not much later Stephen appears behind Tony giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before greeting me. And that, my friends, is how I went from one dad and a mom to two dads within a year. It's pretty awesome.

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