Caught in a lie

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''He who tells a lie is not sensible of how great a task he undertakes. For he must be forced to invent twenty more to maintain that one.''

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I woke up to Clint screaming in my ear telling me to wake up or he'll eat all my pancakes. I groan while sitting up before throwing a pillow at Clint. He catches it and throws it back to me while leaving my room so I can get ready.

I get out of bed do my thing and walk to the kitchen where I see uncle Steve making pancakes. I walk to the table and sit down. ''Good morning Peter!'' Steve chirps happily. ''Good morning uncle Steve!'' I reply while he sets down my plate with pancakes. ''Here. Happy's waiting for you downstairs. Oh! And your dad will pick you up from school okay?'' He asks me while I'm eating my pancakes, I nod to show him I heard him as I finish my last pancake. I grab my stuff and head downstairs to where Happy is waiting for me.

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I arrive at school and immediately walk up to him. ''Hey man!'' I greet him while we walk to our lockers, which luckily are next to each other. ''Hey dude! So I got this really cool LEGO set from my parents, we could build it this weekend if you want!'' Ned rambles excitedly. ''Uh, sure, I'll just have to ask my dad.'' I reply. He nods as we walk to class. 

After a couple of classes it's finally lunch. Ned and I grab our trays and immediately walk to our table where MJ's already waiting for us. ''So had any trouble patrolling last night?'' MJ asks as we sit down. I shake my head as Ned and I start to talk about Star Wars while MJ continues to read. 

Suddenly a hand slams down on our table making me flinch slightly. I look up and see Flash standing there with some of his friends. ''Well, well, if it isn't Penis Parker.'' He begins. ''What is it  Flash?'' I ask immediatly. It's lunch, can't he just do it some other time. ''What? Are you finally gonna grow some balls? You heard who I am right?'' He replies while raising his eyebrows. I tilt my head to the side while slowly answering, ''You're Flash?" He chuckles before turning to me with a serious face. ''Oh! You haven't heard! Well...'' he starts before pausing for a dramatic effect, ''I'm Spider-man.'' He finishes. I choke on my water as MJ and Ned start laughing hysterically. 

After 5 minutes of Ned and MJ's laughter MJ speaks up, ''Proof it.'' ''What?'' ''Proof it. You said you're Spider-Man, then, proof it. Shoot a web or walk up a wall or something.'' She explains. Flash opens his mouth to say something before the bell rings. ''Saved by the bell, Eugene.'' MJ whispers before grabbing her stuff and leaving to get to class on time. 

I get to class and immediately drown out the teacher. Could you imagine Flash being Spider-Man? I think to myself while chuckling softly. No way. He bullies way too many people to be Spider-Man. Not to mention there's only one Spider-Man which is me. I guess I'm going to have to show him he's not Spider-Man. 

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Once the final bell rung, I jumped out of my seat and immediately raced to my locker. By now the entire school was talking about Flash being Spider-Man and if it continued it'd be on the news in no time. 

I put my stuff away and jumped in the car. ''What's got you all happy?'' Dad asks once I'm finally seated. I smile at him before launcing into an explanation. ''So, there's this kid at school, his name is Flash. Today he walked up to me and my friends during lunch and he told us he was Spider-Man, so now the entire school thinks he's Spider-Man except me, Ned and MJ.'' I finish while laughing. My dad starts to laugh as he parks the car into his garage. ''So what are we gonna do about that?'' My dad asks after laughing for 10 minutes straight. 

I walk into the elevator while explaining my plan to my dad. ''So I was thinking, what if I didn't go to school tomorrow but instead you set up a press conference in which we would reveal who Spider-Man truly is. I'm almost 18 now plus graduation is in a few weeks anyway.'' I finish as we walk into the kitchen to grab a snack. Dad nods while sighing before opening his mouth. ''Okay fine, but only if Pepper agrees.'' He replies. I nod in response as he goes to find Pepper.

After a while dad comes back and tells me Pepper agreed with the plan as long as Tony prepared a speech with me. We went down to the lab and started thinking about what to say before we both agreed to do it the same way as my dad did it. Not only were we going to reveal me being Spider-Man, we were also going to tell them I'm Tony Stark and Pepper Potts son! 

I look at the clock before cleaning everything up and walking to my room to sleep. It's already pretty late and tomorrow is the press conference so I decide to skip patrol and just go to sleep for once.

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I sit on the couch as I wait for my dad to finish doing whatever he's doing in his room. After a while he walks out of his room and walks up to me while ruffling my hair. ''Ready?'' ''Ready.'' I confirm. We walk to the car and off we go to the press conference. Ned and MJ already know what's about to happen and they confirmed that the school's live streaming the press conference which is good. I can't wait to see Flash's reaction to this.

The car arrives at it's destination and my dad and I get out. We walk backstage and wait for my mom to tell us to get on stage. After a while Pepper welcomes us on stage while heading off stage herself. I'm not in my suit which will probably make it a bit unbelievable for them to think I'm Spider-Man but we'll see. 

Dad starts to talk as the reporters quiet down. ''Hello everyone and welcome here, I'm sure you all know who I am but we're not here to talk about me today.'' He begins while glancing at me. ''This here, is Peter Stark. Or as most of you probably know him, Peter Parker.'' He continues while side stepping so I can talk. ''Uh, hey, so I'm Peter.'' I begin ''Are there any questions?'' I ask the reporters. A lot of hands immediately shoot up, but two of them I recognize. Betty and Abe. They're from our school's newspaper so I pick Abe first.

He clears his throat before talking ''So- uh- you probably heard about Flash being Spider-Man?'' He asks as I motion for him to continue. ''Yeah so my question was, is he really Spider-Man? Surely you'd know, you live with the Avengers.'' He finishes as I nod my head. ''Great question Abe, the truth is...'' I pause for a couple of seconds to think of my next words. ''I am Spider-Man.'' I then finish. Abe's mouth falls open like a gaping fish before I hear someone yell ''PROOF IT!'' So I grab my webshooters and web his mouth shut. ''Proven.'' I then smile to myself. We finish the press conference and go home where Bucky is making delicious Spaghetti. I start drooling a bit at the thought of his delicious Spaghetti before staring out of the window and zoning out.

Once we're home I check my phone and see that the groupschat exploded.


Flash you lied!


I can't believe Peter's Spider-Man and a Stark!


U better believe it


I- Peter's lying!


Flash, Mr. Stark was right there, I didn't lie. You did.

*Flash left the chat*

I chuckle at Flash before I walk to the kitchen where Bucky just finished cooking dinner. He hands me a plate as I thank him before walking to the table and sitting down. I look around and smile. That wasn't so bad after all. I think to myself while eating the spaghetti. And Flash will probably never bother me again. I eat the last bit of my Spaghetti before I put my plate away and walk to my room. Today was exhausting so I put on my pajamas and jump into bed. As soon as my head hits my pillow I'm asleep.

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