Hi number neighbor :) (3)

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I stare at the text. I'm this kid's father. And he doesn't even know he's texting his father. Yet, that is. He nicknamed me Anthony. Which, if you think about it isn't incorrect since my name is Anthony. I just go by Tony.

I re-read the text once again. ''JARVIS read the text out loud will ya?'' I ask him.

''Yes Boss. ''THE Tony Stark is my father!'' Sent by Peter.'' JARVIS states throughout the lab.

I go to my computer and start looking for more information on this kid. My kid.

Name: Peter Parker

Gender: Male

Citizenship: American

Place of birth: Queens, New York

I can't believe it. My son. I knew I had a son, Mary was at one of my parties. After she realized she had gotten pregnant she immediately called me to let me know because according to her I deserved to know I had a son. She also made it very clear I wouldn't be going near him unless I stopped drinking.

Which I did. I've been sober for 7 months now and I couldn't be happier.

I find Peter's grades and see he's a straight A+ student. He must be pretty smart then.

So he's been texting his biological father the entire time and he doesn't even know it. Maybe I can tell him who I am and we can meet up? I think to myself. No, there's no way that would work out. There must be another way.

I need to tell someone. But no one knows who Peter is. Or that I had a son in the first place. The only person to know about Peter is-


Clint texted Peter as Clinton. I can tell him! Maybe he knows what to do.

I walk into the elevator and go up to Clint's floor. Once the elevator doors open I step out and start looking for him.

''Clint?'' I shout. ''Hey Birdbrain are you in here?'' I ask again. Suddenly I hear something coming from the vents above me. ''Clint get out of the vents!'' I shout. I wait around two minutes before he falls out of the vents and lands right onto his butt.

''Wassup tin-can?'' He asks as he tries to stand up.

''You know who Peter is, right?'' I ask him even though I know the answer.

''Yeah, why?'' He asks.

''I- well... okay I'm having this.. problem and I need help, do you think you can help?'' I ask quickly not wanting to go into detail.

''I guess. What kind of problem?'' He asks while he goes to sit down on his bed. ''It's about Peter, right?'' He finishes once he sits on the bed. I nod. ''So, tell me.'' He says. ''Everything.'' He quickly adds.

''Everything?'' I ask unsure.

''Yes. Everything.'' He says.

''Okay so a couple of years ago, let's say fifteen maybe I got a girl pregnant. Her name was Mary. Fitzpatrick. She told me she was pregnant but that I wasn't allowed to see the child unless I stopped drinking. I didn't. Not then at least.'' I say. He gestures for me to continue so I do. ''Soon after Mary died in a plane crash. Making her child an orphan. That's what they thought at least. Anyway-'' ''I'm sorry what does this have to do with Peter?'' Clint suddenly interrupts. ''I'm getting to it.'' I quickly answer before he motions for me to continue.

''So a few days ago Peter told me he was doing a DNA test for a school assignment. It would show who his biological parents really are. His mom was indeed Mary but, his dad was... well... me. I've been texting my kid the entire time. Hell he'd been texting his father and we both didn't even know it!'' I say frustrated.

''So.... you wanna meet him?'' Clint finally says after a long silence.

''Yes, yes I do.'' I say ''but I don't wanna scare him you know.'' I add quickly.

''You can give him an internship. Here I mean. As your personal intern. Of course he'd already know you're his dad and maybe he'll tell you. If not, you can do another DNA test and say it's for one of your experiments. Then when the results come you can pretend like you didn't know and voila! You met your son!'' Clint says with jazz hands at the end.

''Clint you're a genius!'' I shout while quickly running to the elevator.

''JARVIS tell Pepper to send internship tests to Midtown Highschool. If she asks why just tell her I want a personal intern whose on the younger side, okay?'' I ask JARVIS.

''Will do Boss.'' JARVIS replies smootly.

Once the elevator doors open I quickly open my phone and scroll to Peter's contact info.



hv u heard?




theyre sending internship applications to midtown

u gonna try it?



how do u know????


i work there dummy

so u gonna try out?


Ofc I am!

imma study bye anthony!


Bye kid!

I smile at the texts before grabbing some coffee while putting my phone away.

''JARVIS call Banner in here tell him I wanna do something science-y.'' I tell JARVIS.

''Dr. Banner is on his way Boss.'' JARVIS informs me. I smile lightly before going back to work. This is gonna be a good time, I can feel it.

I kick my feet up on the desk before thinking about all the fun things me and Peter are going to do. ''Tony. No feed on the desks in the labs.'' Banner says with a smile on his face.

We quickly fall into a steady work rhythm and get to work with a smile on my face.

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