I have a secret...

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I turn around and see May  waving at me through the window. I wave back at her, when my spidersense goes off. Suddenly the whole building explodes. I quickly run through the crowd forming around it, my mind screaming at me to be faster, to save May.

''May!'' I yell, running as quickly as I can. ''May please! May!'' I move pieces of rubble until I finally find her. Tears are pouring from my eyes as I look at her. ''May please. May, you can't leave me, please, you promised.'' 

Suddenly the scene changes. It's pitch black, I can't even see my own hands. I hear a whisper from behind me and quickly turn around. 

''M-May!'' I say excitedly as she looks at me. ''You could've saved me Peter. You knew it would happen. Why didn't you save me? Did you not love me? IS THAT IT?'' I start to cry as May continues to scream at me. ''YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BRAT!'' She yells at me as I start to back away.

I gasp as I sit up in my bed. It has been five months since May's passing, and it still taunts me to this day. I look at the time and see it is almost 6am. I get out of bed and quietly make my way to the bathroom, where I take a shower, brush my teeth and get dressed. 

After I've done all of that I walk to the kitchen where Mr. Stark is already making breakfast. I'm not even sure if he slept at all, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't.

That's right, I moved in with the Avengers after May passed away. They've all been very nice to me, and I love them like they're my own family. Mr. Stark even adopted me! ''Good morning.'' I say to Mr. Stark as I continue to sit down at the kitchen table. He looks up at me and smiles a bit before finishing the pancakes. ''Do you want blueberries on them?'' He asks me as he puts them on a plate. I nod as he grabs some blueberries to put on the pancakes. He gives them to me and I start eating. 

I look at the time and see it is now 8am. I walk back to my room and take off my shirt, and grab a glass bottle with a thick substance in it. I also grab some alcohol wipes and a needle to inject it with. 

That's right, I'm transgender. The Avengers don't know yet, but I plan on telling them very soon. I just hope that they'll accept me. 

After a while of doing nothing Bucky walkes into my room and challenges me to a game of Mario Kart, which I accept. We walk to the living room where we play until we're called for lunch.

I walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table. ''So... what's for lunch?'' I ask curiously as Steve puts down different plates for everyone. ''Sandwiches.'' Natasha replies with a small smile, beforing sitting down too.

We eat all of it until we can no longer eat, when Mr. Stark stands up and asks me if I want to work in his lab together. I nod and we both walk to the elevator where Mr. Stark tells FRIDAY to bring us to his lab. 

''So I was thinking,'' He starts as he gestures for me to walk in further. ''to upgrade your suit, what do you think?'' He finishes while waiting for my reaction. ''Yes! I- I mean, sure, I'd love that.'' I reply as he laughs a bit. ''Okay so I was thinking, nanotech, instead of spandex.'' He continues as I nod. ''That's great!'' I reply enthusiastically as he writes something down on a note. ''Well we'd need to measure you, obviously you can keep your pants on, but your shirt needs to be off.'' He says as I start to panick. I am still wearing my binder, which is good, but if he sees that he'll ask me to take it off, what if he thinks I'm a freak? I think to myself as I start to panick. 

''I can't.'' I reply as I look towards the ground. Mr. Stark walks towards me as he starts talking. ''And why is that? Care to explain?'' I sigh before looking back up at him. ''Because... well... I-'' ''It's okay Peter, you can tell me.'' He interrupts as I take a deep breath. ''Because I'm transgender.'' He looks at me with a smile before talking again. ''Oh. That's not what I was expecting. Peter, that's okay, I still love you, you know that right?'' I smile at him while I nod my head. ''Does the rest know?'' He asks. I shake my head while looking at my hands. ''Do you want them to know?'' I nod as he tells FRIDAY to bring the team to the living room.

We make our way to the living room, and as we enter I can already see the rest of the team sitting on the couches. 

Steve turns around first as he hears the elevator. ''Mind telling us why we're here Tony?'' He asks as we take a seat too. ''Peter has something he'd like to tell you all.'' He says simply as I stand up.

''So uh, you've all been very kind to me, thanks for that, but I actually have something I've been meaning to tell you. I just hope it won't change anything, as I'm still the same person I used to be-'' I ramble until Bucky interrupts me. ''Not to be rude, but I have a therapy session in half an hour could you... hurry up?'' I nod with a slight smile as I continue. ''Yeah sorry. So um, I'm transgender...'' I look around the room until Wanda and Natasha stand up to hug me. Soon almost everyone joins in. ''You know we still love you, right? Peter?'' I nod, when I realize Steve is still sitting on the couch.

''Is... is something wrong, Captain?'' I ask nervously as he looks at me. ''I- uh- I don't know what that means..'' He says softly while turning red. Natasha just laughs before explaining to him what it means. After she explained he smiles at me before giving me a hug. ''I still support you, Peter. No matter what.'' He says as I hug back. ''But you still owe me a sparring rematch.'' He continues. 

We all start to laugh as Tony tells FRIDAY to order some pizza. ''Thanks dad.'' I say as everyone suddenly stops talking. ''What?'' I laugh before Tony starts to talk. ''You- you called me dad!'' My eyes widen as he gives me a hug. We all laugh again as Tony and I go back to the lab to finish my new spidersuit. 

In the end, I wouldn't wish for any other family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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