That day he saved me from you

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*TW: Drugs*

''Drugs are kind of cool. I mean, they're cool before they wreck your skin. And your life. And your family. That's when they get uncool. It's actually a very narrow window of cool.'' -Rue Bennett

. . .

I just got out of school. I arrived at the appartment and something just felt off, but, I shook it off. You'd be at work anyway, no need to worry. I open the door and walk into the appartment when I see you. You look up to me and wave. I wave back and walk further into the room when I see it. The drugs. On the table we usually use for dinner. Thin white lines.

I look up at you tears starting to form in my eyes. ''Why?'' Is all I'm able to get out. ''I needed an escape.'' Is all you say before telling me to go to my room and do my homework. I obey and walk into my room, flopping onto my bed as I start sobbing into my hand to make sure you won't hear it.

After a while I start feeling exhausted and decide to sleep. I'll do my homework tomorrow at school during lunch. I put my phone away and silently pray for you. Hoping you'll stop even though you just started.

. . .

Drugs can really screw up your own life right before your eyes and you wouldn't even notice it. That's the thing about drugs. They're so addicting that once they start to wear off you immediately want more, cause, they make you feel good.

One moment I'm in Mr. Stark's lab where nothing is wrong and the next I'm standing in the appartment wondering where you are. You should be home by now, your shift ended a while ago. I call your names a few times, ''May? Where are you? I'm home!'' But no result.

I walk to the kitchen and see more open bottles. They're empty though. You already used them. I walk to the livingroom and still see no one. The TV is one which means you have been home, and probably still are. You never leave the house without turning it off.

I walk to your room and knock on the door. No answer... I knock again but I still get no answer. I open the door and stare in shock at what I find. Right there. She's laying right there, on the ground. She's laying so still...

I walk up to her and kneel down besides her. ''May please don't leave me.'' I beg as I try to find a pulse, I can't find one though. I scramble to get my phone and call 9-1-1.

They tell me to stay on the phone and once the ambulance arrives they put her on a stretcher and take her to the hospital. I sit next to her in the ambulance hoping for this to just be a bad dream. A nightmare. But deep down I know this is real.

We arrive at the hospital and I wait for what feels like hours. Finally a doctor comes out of the room and walks up to me. ''Are you Peter Parker?'' He asks with a sad smile on his face. I stare at him before slowly nodding my head, fearing what he's about to say next. ''I'm sorry to inform you but she... didn't make it.'' I look down at my hands, tears falling down my face as I tune him out.

After a while a woman walks up to me. ''Peter Parker?'' She asks confidently. I nod, not wanting to speak, not right now. ''Since you are a minor, do you have anyone to stay with? If you don't we'll call someone and they'll take you to the nearest orphanage.'' She states. I stare at her before grabbing my phone. ''I can call someone.'' I reply while scrolling down my contacts.

After a while I found his contact and press on it. It rings for a while before someone picks up.

''Hey kid. I thought you just got home?'' He asks happily. Of course he's happy. He doesn't even know what just happened.

''I- can you pick me up?'' I ask quietly. I hear some papers get shoved aside before he replies again.

''Yeah sure, where are you?'' He asks, still unaware of what happened to May.

''I'm at the local hospital.'' I answer before hanging up. The lady smiles at me before sitting down next to me. ''I'll stay here with you until the person you called arrives, just to make sure someone's actually coming.'' She tells me, but I don't acknowledge her at all.

After some time I hear footsteps approaching but I don't bother looking up since I know who it is. I called him after all.

''Hey kid, care to tell me what happened?'' Mr. Stark asks me, voice laced with concern. I look up and start talking. ''I-I g-got home fr-from sch-school and t-then I thougt no-no one w-was h-home but w-when I w-walked in t-to h-her be-bedroom she layed t-there on t-the g-ground! I- I called an a-ambulance b-but it was too la-late. S-she o-ove-overdosed.'' I explain while Mr. Stark gives me a hug.

He sighs, ''It will be okay kiddo.'' He says softly before turning my head so I'm looking at him. ''Are you okay?'' He then asks me. Of course I'm not, my last relative just passed away! ''No...'' I state while looking at Mr. Stark ''No... I'm not okay... but I will be.'' I tell him while he takes me to his car.

We get into the car and he takes me to the tower. The entire drive to the tower was silent but I didn't mind it. We walk into the building and get to the penthouse, I turn to Mr. Stark as I see that every Avenger is there.

''Who's that?'' Steve Rogers asks Mr. Stark.

Mr. Stark looks at me for permission before explaining who I am. ''This-'' he says gesturing to me, ''-is Peter. He'll be living here from now on. Don't be too rough on him got it?'' He says.

''Why will he live here?'' Hawkeye, aka Clint Barton asks. ''Because.'' Mr. Stark says as Clint gives him a weird look. ''Because?'' ''If you want to know, ask him not me. It's not my story to tell, he'll tell you when he's ready, capiche?'' He interrupts Clint. I smile softly before telling him I'm going to my room.

I walk to my room, which I already had since I sometimes stayed here for my internship, and walk to my bed. I've never really met the Avengers like this. Sure I've seen them on missions and around the tower but I've never actually talked to them in person.

I lay down on the bed and before I know it I'm asleep.

. . .

I wake up to FRIDAY telling me breakfast is ready. It's Saturday and I've been living in the tower for around a month now, Mr. Stark adopted me so he's basically my dad now.

I get dressed as I make my way to the kitchen and sit down. Steve smiles at me before giving me some pancakes. ''Thanks.'' I say as I pour tons of syrup on my pancakes. Once I'm done eating I walk to the elevator which then takes me to the gym. No one's there right now so I go the punching bags and start punching.

No one here, except Mr. Stark, knows why I live here. Well, Natasha probably knows, she knows everything. I also am not planning on telling them. I don't think I could handle that. They also don't know I'm Spider-Man. Except Mr. Stark, but he made my suit so....

After a while I stop exercising and go back to the penthouse for some food. I walk to the kitchen and see Clint and Bucky talking to each other. They see me and stop talking. ''Hey, Peter?'' Clint asks. I look at him while pouring myself a glass of water while raising my eyebrows at him to let him know he can continue. ''So... why do you live here? Like, what's the reason?'' He asks. I look at him shifting my weight from one foot to another as I try to formulate a normal sentence.

''I- well- so-'' I sigh as Bucky starts to talk ''You can trust us you know? We won't tell anyone else.'' He says but I just wave my hand at him telling him to stop. ''I live here because I used to live with my aunt, she was a drug addict and one day she overdosed.'' I tell them while tears stream down my face. ''She was the last living relative I had. Therefor, Mr. Stark took me in which I'm very grateful for.'' I add. They look at me with sadness in their eyes before they both give me a hug.

''We'll always be here for you, Pete.'' Bucky says while Clint agrees. I smile at them, ''Thanks...'' I say softly.

And that's when I realize I will be okay. Sure it might not always be easy, but I've got people here who'll help me, so I'll be okay.

*A/N* Okay so I just saw this book already has 4k reads and like- that's a LOT. imo at least so thanks y'all! also I have a fan account on insta if u wanna follow it it's @/starkmovies

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