3.9 || My Dream, Your Truth

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The plant collection lasted for a few days. During the times Nathan met Team Red and Green, he even offered to taste the plants the two teams had collected. Initially, some people from the two teams objected, but Rolan and Kyle expressed their trust.

Rolan, "Nate always had stronger intestines than the rest of us. He can guzzle down two bottles of wine without getting tipsy at all."

Despite the astringent or sweet taste, alcohol could be considered a form of poison. But for Nathan, how could that ever be a problem?

Kyle merely shrugged, "Even if anything were to happen, the one who'll stink everyone isn't me." Nathan wanted to punch this man at least once before he left this world.

Finally, Ren could only go with the will of his seniors and agreed. "If you feel any slightest bit of discomfort, don't do it, Senior."

Regardless, after Nathan's aid, Team Red and Green's points did not experience any further deduction. Of course Team Blue's points were still way ahead.

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Handsome-boi-no1-fan: "How perfect can this man be? *sighs*"

Love-Cherry: "Look at Nathan being so gentle towards my Cherry. I won't allow anyone else to court my goddess, but if it's Nathan King, I will reluctantly allow it."

Kato's-cat: "BenxHen forever! Bubbles have no space!"

Rolling-in-rolan888: "Kyle x Rolan forever!"

Proud-to-be-rotten: "What about a threesome?"

Of course no one answered the rotten person with their never-ending threesome fantasy.

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After the fourth day of gathering plants, their task changed. The TV producers definitely were not too impressed to see Team Blue, Red, and Green ganging up to hoard flawless points with the cheat named Nathan King. The other two teams had the lowest points and would no doubt eliminate some people after the first week was over.

Thus, after a drone delivered their new task, Kyle opened the letter in front of everyone who were having boiled eggs for breakfast again. At this point of time, everyone was sick of eggs, but none of them wanted to kill any chickens or hunt for fish; thus they relied on the eggs as well as plant types that had passed Nathan King's tongue of approval.

Speak of the devil and the devil would say hi. Speak of hunting fish... .

"Every specific type of fish caught would be one point. Every two hours spent without catching this kind of fish would deduct one point." Kyle showed a picture of the fish in question. To Nathan's eyes, it looked no different than a river trout. But this particular trout in this world was agile and crafty. They were a sneaky prized catch even for professional anglers, let alone amateurs like them.

The hens scattered on the island were no longer even remotely afraid of the humans, some of them clucked noisily around their legs, as though in ridicule. Everyone present thought, "If wringing a chicken's neck on screen wouldn't be detrimental to our image, do you think you'd be leisurely clucking your beak off at the moment?"

Soon, the teams took different spots over an expansive lake, which the letter had said the trouts would normally reside. Nathan King was confident in his team's collected points so far, thus he did not feel particularly pressed for time. The bag of mushrooms they had collected on the second day alone would have yielded him a hundred points and he was confident there was no penalty for wrong pickings.

But eating fish meat sounds better than having eggs and mushrooms again for lunch and supper, thus Nathan headed towards Team Red and Green to see how the others fare.

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