New Years.

310 20 17

Sarah's POV.

For people who create their own drama deserve their own karma.


And sometimes when you need a full stop there is just a pause. A while later Rose's boyfriend now Mr Jerkface, had come in the search of her girlfriend. Duhhhh what an arsehole.

"Where is Rose? Is she okay?" His voice was hoarse and broke, one would easily believe that he was concerned but we knew better than that.

"No fucker, why don't you just fuck any bitch and run outta here with the little dignity left of yours?" Rose snarled from the door frame right behind us. We gaped at both of them.

"I just want to know how are you, baby?" He asked ignoring Rose's comeback. He went close to her totally drunk only to be pushed by Rose. Yes, you heard that right. Rose pushed Mr Jerkface with a lot of force that he ended up past us and stood directly in front of Ellie, which resulted in she slapping him. Pretty hard slap.

It's a lot more shittier than it sounds

"Go away. She feels shit with you already. Just!" Ellie snarled angrily challenging him to talk further his humiliation.

"Go find someone else you hoe!" He backed off. Even after doing so much, he had the audacity of speaking. If I were him, I would never speak beyond the slap. No idea why Rose stuck to him like a leech. The humiliation sticks forever and now he will always be a Jerkface to me.

Amongst this chaos, we had our clowns. Of course, I am talking about Abbott and Nate and you'll know why I said that.

Just keep reading.

"Hey cupcake, you found your prince charming yet!?" Nate asked wiggling his eyebrows. Before I could answer anything sassy, Abbott already butted in saying, "Naahh Nate, he might be scared of her witchy attitude!" He giggled.

"Pfftt, at least he won't be wasted like you!" I retorted making a poker face.

"I'm not wasted Sarah, I smoke weed!" Abbott stated. We all looked at him as if he spoke some foreign language.

"You got to be kidding me!" Zack stated bursting out in laughter.

"No, I am not. I smoke weed. It kinds of gives me the kick, you should try too!' Abbott very sincerely spoke showing how cool is weed.

"It's stupid mate and you can't handle alcohol, weed is just too far asshat!" Nate spoke after he regained his composure. We all kept laughing about how he was faking it, we all knew he can't stand weed and it was totally fake. I told ya, he is a clown!

"Oh yeah, Abbott?" Zack smirked knowing that Abbott is going to be in trouble if he didn't drop the façade.

"Yeahhh smirky face!" Abbott slurred terribly.

"Alright then. Nate look around if anyone has been smoking weed outside and bring some weed for our best bud. Can you do that?" Zack asked Nate and he, well he nodded laughing at the new drama coming. Nate literally bought, no wait scratch that. Nate literally snatched weed from a random stranger and came back to us.

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