You dimwits.

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Sarah's POV.

Our hearts choose people faster than our brains.


There is this unspoken rule between us if your best friend gives you an ice cream you have to get over all the shit. It was between us since we became friends in 7th grade. It was silly but it always worked. We were a little far from our spot and I might as well add that the icecream was just heaven.

I had already dug my cup of icecream licking away the remains too.

"Hello, gorgeous. Fancy seeing you here again."

"Hello. Leo." I say.

"And you must be the famous Zack." He grinned.

"I am. Hello." He smiled but his glare didn't flatter. Leo nodded at him and turned back to me.

"You look beautiful, Sarah Adams. Just perfect."

"Why thank you. Would you like to join me and my friends on the beach?" Zack softly grunted at that.

"I don't see why not."

"This way then!" I motioned him to walk with us watching Zack roll his eyes with a scoff but he didn't utter a single word.

The walk was silent nobody spoke anything but when we reached there all of us stood in a circle and everyone greeted Leo warmly.

"Where have you been?" The girls crossed their hands hiding their smiles.

"We went for ice cream." It took them a moment to understand that. I don't know what was hard.

"Wait what? We all thought you guys were making out somewhere." Luna grunted while Samantha and Tristee laughed.

"What?" This was me. Shock clear on my face.

"What?" This was Zack, a very amused Zack.

"What?" Ladies and gentlemen this was Leo Hartwell.

Oh boy.

"I..uhh.. we.. were." I was stuttering. Like literally. I have never stuttered.

"Jealous much?" Zack said in a cocky way.

My conscience was internally shaking her head.

What the fuck?

"Really?" Samantha turned to me with big eyes and high expectation and everyone else was just waiting for me to answer.

"Oh. I thought we had a shot!" Leo mumbled softly.

"Really?" My eyes went wide as I looked at Leo and the boys just snorted and girls were just quiet.

My life is an opera.

Oh don't you worry, you have hot guys behind you, my conscience spoke.

Not now.

It was hard to focus as I sandwiched between two undeniably hot boys. My best friend is the hottest of all. Chiselled chest. Broad shoulders. Tanned body. Strong jawline. Cute dimples and low hung shorts for heaven's sake.

"Yes really." He spoke.

"I am sorry if I gave you those kinds of vibes all I did was talk to you nicely. I am sorry I just don't think it's a good idea. But hey, Friends?" I held out my hand for him. I was leaning on Zack for support. If I hadn't, I might have just collapsed.

"Did you just friendzone me?"

"Uh, seemed like a good idea." I said softly. Everyone was quietly observing the scene. Zack scoffed softly which was quite audible. At least, it was audible to me. I could see him smirking from the peripheral view.

"Sure. Friends." He shook my hand as I smiled. I knew it will never go beyond friends anytime. He is good looking but he is just not my type. Everything about him screamed Party boy. I am just not game for it. He fished out a paper towel with his number written on it and his name scribbled in a semi-legible way. He handed that to me and left without a word.

After 10 seconds of silence after he went everyone broke into laughter.

"50 bucks bitch." Tristee demanded from Luna.

"Damn. It was such a good opportunity." Luna whined handing her 50 dollars causing Samantha to giggle. I had confusion written all over my face.

"They both placed a bet on you two." Samantha answered my confusion motioning her finger between me and Zack.

I and Zack looked at each other. His hazel brown eyes were just fine. It was a warm soft spot to look at. He was smiling and I was contemplating why?

"Why?" We both asked as Zack rested his head on my shoulder pulling me closer. I loved the warmth that he radiated.

"Luna thought you guys are finally hitting on each other looking at how comfortable you are with each other." Garrett filled us in as he pointed out how close we were.

We were always like this.

I could feel the vibration of Zack's laugh beside me.

"And when you told them about icecream Tristee won." Samantha completed the rest of it.

"And we chose sides!" Cameron and John surrendered their hands.

"You did what?" I screeched unbelievably. Just the exterior, on the inside I was just flattered and stunned by this.

"Umm, we chose a side on who would win. I, Garrett and Cameron were all on Luna's side and Samantha was on Tristee's side." John grimaced.

"All of you lost. You dimwits." I laughed pointing at them. Even Zack was laughing. I didn't dare look at him because if I did I would have felt the whole zoo inside me.

I've learnt that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights. I've learnt that life sometimes gives you a second or maybe a third chance. I've learnt that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back. I've learnt that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision. I've learnt that every day you should reach out and touch someone. People love a warm hug or just a friendly pat on the back. I've learnt that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel and right here, Zack was the one I wanted to run to. He made me feel wanted. He made me feel happy. He made me feel safe.

Maybe, just maybe, I might have something that my heart wanted to openly say but it didn't.

Guess what?


I think, Leo Hartwell is a sweetheart! What do you have to say about it?

And don't forget the obvious reactions that Zack showed for Leo.

They placed a bet on ZARA. LMAO.

Tell me what did you guess? Imma waiting it.

Until tomorrow.

Vote. Comment. Share.


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