Single and looking for compassionate boyfriend

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Zack's POV.

We don't need our other half to live in this world, we need our other half to make us feel the need of living.


Even with Kate's most lame attempt to tell me, she was sorry didn't make it up. I was pinning on her for long and that's how she ended it. If I was, to be honest, I wouldn't want to indulge any little amount or bigger amount of time in thinking of Kate. Her case was done and dusted. I didn't have to care about it anymore.

I shrugged as I entered into the school. Just last day before junior year ends and then our exams would wear off pretty quickly. Would it be safe to say that I have been dying to get out of this hell hole really really soon even if it is for two months?

It's at least two big fucking months.

"Hey, fucker. What ya dreaming about?" Sarah poked me in ribs.

"Have you ever thought how would it feel when everything is perfect?" I asked her ruffling her hair which further made her narrow her eyes at me.

She pretended to think for a minute and then replied, "Yes I have. I have thought through it." She grinned.

"How does it feel?" I made a poker face at her knowing she is going to give me a stupid ass reply.

"Umm, he will naturally buy my food and shoes. So I think it's gonna be an awesome feeling." Her grin widened while she said that.

"No idiot. Many boys will bring you flowers. But someday you'll meet a boy who will learn your favourite flower, your favourite song, your favourite sweet. And even if he is too poor to give you any of them, it won't matter because he will have taken the time to know you as no one else does. Only that boy earns your heart." I told her looping her arm to mine as we climbed the stairs.

"Do you promise?" Her eyes twinkled like a baby.

"All affirmative. Besides, I think you should have an account on a dating application." I said smugly as a smirk appeared on my face and she grunted at my suggestion.

"C'mon you're so lonely and a psycho ass I don't think anyone will ever be with you." I grinned stupidly as she threw daggers with her eyes.

"What's with the looks? Don't you need a man in your life?" If looks could kill, I would have been buried dead right about now but that didn't stop me from chuckling at her looks.

"Alright, lemme put a status on your Instagram “single and looking for a compassionate boyfriend”. " I unlocked her phone and went straight to her Instagram.

Yes, I have an access to her phone. I know her password.

"Moron. Give me my phone back!" Sarah sprung on me like a madwoman or you could say like a crazy cat even. Both the appearances would highly match.

I snorted as the tried to grab her from my hand, it was quite amusing to watch her struggle because of her height. Before she could make further scratches Nate scooped her away laughing like a maniac. We both actually grinned at her when I finished putting that story on her Instagram. She had batshit crazy Instagram followers and the moment that story was uploaded her Instagram started blowing off. And then our laugh was short-lived since the bell rang, today's day would be just submissions since our exams are due from next week.

I'm gonna nail it.


Post exams we were all sitting at Sarah's home ready to dive in the park nearby. Sort of a picnic because it was bright and sunny and tomorrow everyone is gonna leave for their vacation before the senior year starts. How ironic only me and Sarah aren't going anywhere and Nate is practically begging to stay here.

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