Not for that, for this.

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Zack's POV.

You be you and pray for who you love.


I have never prayed in my entire life as I did at this moment. A drunk car driver dashed right into Sarah making her car swirl at a ridiculous speed and dash right exactly in the pole. The driver that dashed into him was a man who was drunk right out his senses. My heart was thudding wildly in my ribcage calculating the damage that was coming. My breath had stopped. I was shivering, I needed to have a control on my self. I gulped my fear and dialled the first contact in my phone- Nate.

"What's up bruh?"

"I... Sarah... Accident.. next block." I stammered. The thought of losing her was enough for me to fog my senses, that much I loved her.

There was no time for liking now. I love her. I am in love with Sarah fucking Adams.

You better hold on baby girl.

"Take her to the nearest hospital, move move. We are coming. I'll inform Adams." He said hurriedly and I disconnected the call.

The crowd had caught hold of the driver and dialled the cops and even for an fucking ambulance but there was no time for this.

My baby girl is in danger. My heart shattered by just looking at her. I just wanted to smash whoever did this. It could be anyone else why my baby girl?

Her head was banged into the steering wheel, the window was broken and glass shredded into her arm. She was bleeding profusely and it took so much in me to not shout at everyone. I carefully brought her out of the car and ambulance was ready for the assistance just on time. The paramedics helped her on the stretcher simultaneously stopping her bleeding. My shirt was drenched in her blood but that was the least of my concern, Sarah was my concern.

Just hold on my love. I got you. I got you. I got you. I kept chanting it in my mind.

The eerie silent drive to the hospital wore every thread of my patience low and thin. I just wanted her to be fine. Just fine. I can't even ask for anything more than that. As soon as the ambulance reached the hospital she was immediately rushed in an operation theatre. My heart was beating in the fear of what happened and what were the consequences of it. I can't put it in words how her parents are feeling and what trauma they must be in.

"Zack." A croaked whisper filled the waiting room, Ava, Sarah's mom was standing there with a pool of tears streaming down her eyes. Everyone was here Nick, Ava, my parents, my cousins, my brother, Luna, Tristee and Samantha and Nate equally worried huddled in the corner of the room waiting for some good news. There was panic on everyone's face.

"I... I am sorry I should have been with her." My shoulders slumped, I, on the verge of breaking down. Both the moms came forward and engulfed me in the hug simultaneously.

"It's fine baby, it's fine. The doctors are taking care of it." Mom soothed me.

"She will be fine." Nick patted on my shoulder and wiped away the tears from Ava's eyes.

She will be. She has to be. My baby girl.

I looked at my cousins and best friend, the look on their faces mirrored mine, the only difference is I love her. There was worry etched on everyone's faces.

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