I am stubborn

185 14 44

Zack's POV.

Beautiful things don't ask for attention.


"I tried saving her from stupid boys and now she left me at the ball alone. She is mad Nate. Very mad. I stepped over her conversation thrice. She is just not going to listen to me." I sighed.

"You moron. Were you jealous and wanted her attention to yourself or you really were just protecting Romeo?" I could imagine him being amused at my behaviour.

"Just tell me what to do? I am sick worried and she is alone and it's not a bright idea right now." I snapped.

"Okay give me 10 minutes."

"I don't have 10 minutes I have to know asap." I say exaggerating at all the words.

"Ok, I'll text you asap." He sighed.

I paced in the lobby like a madman while Nate tried to figure out where Sarah is while I kept texting her. No no no, I will lose my mind like this. I am hoping she has gone home or else I would not be able to forgive myself. I call a cab and go home taking a chance I would find her meanwhile waiting for Nate to message me.

Bimbo: Home.

Zack: Thanks, bimbo.

Bimbo: Go on get her.

I calmed down my erratic breathing as I reached the mansion. I paid the cab driver and sprinted inside like a kid behind the balloon.

Just get the gist of it okay? I had a hard time seeing her walk away and now I don't need y'all to poke me on the analogy here.

I watch her put the hair in a ponytail. Hot. It suited her. She removed all the accessories from herself and now it felt natural. Beautiful without the makeup and all. She didn't seem to notice me at all while fidgeting with her damn zipper. The dress made her look beautiful tonight. Nobody could keep her eyes off her. I am so not exaggerating. I reached her in two seconds and my hand came in contact with her warm back.

"Let me help you." I whispered close to her ear breathing in her fragrance as my life depended on it.

Damn cherry.

she smelled just like vanilla and cherries.

"No." She spoke with a raspy voice.

You should probably make her listen to you.

Shut the fuck up voice. I snapped at myself.

"You're not gonna get out of it yourself."

"Then be it. I'll wait till girls come back." She said annoyance laced with her voice.

"Quit being a baby, I know how much you want to change let me help." I wrapped my hands around her letting a more stronger aroma of cherry and vanilla hit my nostrils. She was like a puff of fresh air.

I never knew that her walking out like this will make me worried shit. I have never thought how much she means to me until now.

Which says, she means a lot and she is unaware of it.

She took a mere 2 to 3 minutes of thinking time. I don't know what was going on in that little head of hers.

"Okay. Let's just get over with it." She said sighing heavily. I kept my hand in place just to avoid her dress slipping down which of course it won't but let's just make sure. Also, secretly I wanted to make sure she won't go away again.

"I'm so sorry!" I mumbled as I rested my head on her shoulder feeling her soft skin while I was zipping down her dress. I placed a soft kiss on her bare shoulder and electricity passed through me.

"No. You don't get to apologise again right after you did it for the first time." She tried breaking free like she was going to leave me. I held her even tighter making it clear that she can't go.

Don't we all know, Actions speaks louder than words.

"There you're done." I let her go even when I didn't want to.

"Thank you." She meekly said as I turned around.

"Anytime baby girl." I chuckled and scurried off as if I would make her uncomfortable. She muttered something coherent from inside while I just chuckled and waited for her to come outside.

In another 20 minutes, we were both showered. As I rubbed the towel against my hair to soak water she was leaning into the window. So occupied that she didn't hear me coming inside.


I tip-toed behind her sneakily to scare her, "Boo." I roared. Clearly thinking in her dreamland she swirled back somewhat horrified.

I was honestly expecting a high pitched “oh my God” but guess who is a bummer?

Sarah Adams.

You can't always be somebody's forever'. Sometimes you're just their 'summer' or their 'little while'. Sometimes not even that. Sometimes the closest you'll get is their 'almost' or their 'maybe'. And when they leave, the best you can hope for is to be their 'what if' or 'remember when'. Because you can't always be somebody's 'forever'. I hated how she was angry. She is my everything. Even my pillow talk. She is my best friend. My sun. My moon. The last candy of the store. The snow of my winters.

She looked at me somewhat confused and I took my stance there. I bent down and gave her cheek a wet kiss. Rubbing my nose against her cheek. Taking extra minutes as we stood there wanting to kiss the exposed flesh of her neck but instead, I buried myself in the crook of her neck somewhat content.

I expected her to smile but all she said was, "I wanna go to bed!"

Why God why?

But I am stubborn and she knows it.

I followed her like a little puppy.

I jumped on the bed as she slept on her side making sure I flung my one leg on hers so that she can't move.

"You know what comes now right?" I had an evil smile as she gulped down the lump in her throat. I think she has an idea.

"Tickle monster." I yelled as I tickled her making the most of the moment.



"St...opp." She was gasping for breath as I tickled her lightly. So here's the thing she is quite ticklish. Even if my hands aren't touching her she will be still laughing.

She was dressed cute in her avocado crop top and shorts. She radiated the vibe of cuteness. As I tickled her the top rode up slightly letting me feel her velvet skin. I don't even know how her skin is that soft but I shoo away that thought in the back of my mind as I tickle her making her laugh.

"Ca...ntt bre..athe." I decided to stop for a minute as she struggled. We looked at each other trying our best to have a straight face but we both just fail miserably falling into the fits of laughter. I slid beside her, pull her close and let my face rest in her neck as we fall asleep.

Hello readers.

Sorry for not updating yesterday I was kinda busy but hey? Here is today's update. I'll try to update twice tomorrow. Xxoxox

Have fun.

I have tried to put in some ZARA moments.

The tickle monster is out.

Tell me what you think?

And big thank you to ahalfbloodprince for reading my book and biting and commenting.



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