Series Foreword

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Fate. Love. Choice.

Three small, simple words have such meaning, such power in our lives.

From an early age, we're told stories of 'true love' ending in happily ever after, fueling our dreams, our expectations. We're told fantastical tales of heroism, of fighting for love. We're told stories of fate and love. But what about choice?

If you truly love someone, and they return that love, are you fated to be together? Will the stars align to keep you together? Or is real love a choice, a fight to the end?

How do you know which love to choose?

Should it consume your soul with passion, desperation, and heat only to leave you empty for everything you've given, everything that's been taken? Or should it embrace you like a soft, continuous presence, filling you up, leaving you whole?

I guess it depends on you, your love, and the person you're with. Or, in my case; people.

But what do you do when you find that love only to have your choice removed from the equation?

Then, whether you believe in fate or choice, does it even matter? Can you ever find your way back?

I often wonder whether our universe even pays attention to us. In this world of infinite possibilities, it seems, simply, impossible.

And then, I think of the stars, tools which have been used to read our fates for centuries. In a universe of ten billion galaxies containing a billion trillion stars, a rare phenomenon occurs when two dying stars find one another as they fall into orbit. And, when they do finally meet, collide in a supernova. Knowing this phenomenon exists, how can you not believe in fate?

Despite all this, I think I'd still put my money on choice. But what do you do when you have more than one choice ahead of you? Are we back to relying on fate? After all, does anyone know themself well enough to make all the right choices?

All I know is that I would make all the same choices, again and again, fate be damned.

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Here we go! I'm so excited to be writing my first novel. I hope you'll join me on this adventure. If you liked this chapter, please let me know in the comments and consider giving it a vote!

xoxo Toria

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