Chapter 42: Elle

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August 5

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

I'm anxiously waiting for my shift to end while trying to stay productive as the clock ticks so slowly, it feels like time is moving backward. Hudson was released from the local hospital this morning and Theo texted me to tell me he's back at his cottage now.

Greyson's been moody all day, choosing to keep his distance and I'm trying to respect that. It's just so frustrating watching this cycle continue, chipping away at me every time he pulls back. He's been giving me the cold shoulder ever since the hospital, but especially since Liam's mom told us they plan to move up north this weekend.

I feel like my attention and energy are being pulled into too many directions, now. I don't know where to focus; I don't know how much longer I can manage to keep my head above water. I can't think about it now, though. I just need to keep moving. If I stop, I might just sink.

Trying to stay occupied, I spray the glass windows with Windex and clean them all until they are gleaming.

"Jeeze, Ellie-bean, you're making me anxious the way you're going at it today." Hunter's voice startles me and I look over my shoulder at him with an embarrassed smile.

"Sorry, Hunter, just trying to keep busy." I laugh, itching to finish the last window but I also don't want him to make fun of me.

I edge closer to it and quickly spray it, wiping it down to the sound of Hunter's laughter, before fidgeting again immediately after, looking for something else to occupy me. "I'll cut you loose, Elle. All you had to do was ask."

"Are you sure?" I beam at him. He's the best first real boss a girl could ask for.

"Yeah, Grey and I will finish up." Hunter moves around the desk, taking the roll of paper towel and bucket of cleaning supplies from me, bumping my shoulder with his. "Scram, brat."

Not needing to be told twice, I punch out and grab my bag, heading to my boat. I dash over to where Greyson's washing a big flashy boat that's launching tomorrow, some hotshot vacation renter.

"Hunter cut me loose so I can go see Hudson. I'll ask Theo to come grab you at the end of shift, okay?"

Nodding, he drops down from the boat and walks me to the end of the dock, dropping a quick kiss to my lips before he unties my boat, pushing the bow out as I jump in the stern. "I'll find you later, then. Say hey to Hud for me."

I frown over my shoulder at him, "Won't you come by and see him?"

"No. I'll try to come by and see you later. Otherwise, I'll just pick you up for work. We can drive down to do your riding thing straight from here tomorrow, okay?"

Unable to read his mood, I nod. Waving over my shoulder, I speed up, zipping across the glassy lake to Hudson's.

Pulling my boat in, I tie off and wander up the hill, pausing at the sound of Joy's voice. I wonder what she's doing here. My curiosity increases even more when I hear my mom's voice join in.

"Honestly, Joy, you have to tell Grey and Tess. I'm sorry you're having a hard time with this, but it needs to come from you, not from Hugh, or anyone else."

I stop, knowing it's rude of me to listen without announcing my presence, but also too surprised and curious to stop myself from eavesdropping.

"You make it sound so simple, Di. I already feel like I'm walking on eggshells around Grey, I can't pull the rug out from under him again, especially not now. Not when Tess is away. Even though I see him changing, with Elle, this could ruin him."

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