Chapter 33: Elle

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July 22

Windermere, Muskoka

"Put your hat on, Elle. You're going to burn again."

Greyson's sharp reminder makes me roll my eyes, but I adjust my hat to shade my face from the sun, I look over my shoulder to see where my friends are.

I absolutely fried myself yesterday at the horse show. And now, Greyson was treating me like a child.

I'll admit looking in the mirror this morning had been nearly comical.

I'd liberally applied aloe to my sunburned face, neck, and shoulders, but I'd still had to use a heavy coat of tinted moisturizer, and concealer, to cover the embarrassing helmet strap tan lines this morning, though.

"I've got tons of lotion on, Greyson. Cut me some slack, I'll be fine."

His frown makes me smile. I know he's just trying to take care of me, but it's a little overbearing. "If I'd wanted to come berry picking with my dad, I would have. Loosen up. Please."

His dramatic sigh forces me to bite back a laugh. "Fine, do what you like, but I'm not spending one more night in your bed until your sunburn is gone. You were like a furnace last night, and you wouldn't stop cuddling closer. I thought I'd drown in sweat. If you burn again, I'm sleeping in my own bed and leaving you to your misery."

I laugh at his grumpy comments, knowing his threat is totally empty. "Mhmm," I wander further into the field, picking berries left, right and center, tossing them gently into my basket. All while fantasizing about what I'll do with them.

Ryan and Mads are off in the distance, and I watch as Mads tosses her hair back, laughing at something Ryan's said. He's made it his personal mission this summer to boost her confidence that had been bruised by Craig. I smile, I love how well Ryan fits into our group of friends. It encourages me to believe it will only be easier to keep what Greyson, and I have found this summer alive.

I straighten, standing, but leave my baskets on the ground to shade my eyes, looking for the boy in question. He's nowhere to be seen. I frown, how far did I wander? I thought I'd left him just behind me.

We've been picking strawberries for most of the afternoon; we must have several kilograms worth by now, but we've likely eaten the same amount.

Wandering the shaded path back the way I'd come, I look for Greyson.

"Wha-," I practically squeal when an arm snakes out from behind a tree, pulling me into the shady grove.

My heart stutters, but I smile once I realize who it is. Without turning around, I tease him, "Now who could this handsome stranger be, trying to steal strawberry flavored kisses?"

His chuckle rolls over me, "Whoever you want me to be," is the only reply I get in a low husky whisper.

I turn in his arms and tip my face up. "I want you to be a boy who can't resist the taste of berries on his girlfriend's lips. Just a boy who can't resist a girl, so, for once, he doesn't try." I panic for a moment, realizing I've just called myself his girlfriend, out loud, when we've literally never talked about it. His small hesitation makes me nervous, but I relax when he smiles down at me.

I sigh as Greyson's lips move over mine. His kiss is drugging, sweetened by the sugary taste of ripe strawberries eaten from the vine. His tongue tangles lazily with mine. God, I love how he makes me feel, and today, I feel a little wild.

Twirling away from him, I push the thin spaghetti strap of my sundress down over my shoulder as my hair blows in the wind, covering part of my face. I lift the hem of my dress, allowing it to blow in the breeze, flashing him with tantalizing hints of the pale blue lace panties I'm wearing as I twirl.

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