Chapter 60: Elle

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August 20

Mainland, Lake Joseph, Muskoka

"Thanks for the ride, Hudson. Are you sure it's okay if I text you in a bit to pick me up? Not sure how long I'll be, he didn't say what he needed."

"No sweat, Ellie. I'm around, if I'm busy, I'll send T."

I leap from the bow of his boat onto Liam's dock, waving goodbye before I wander back and around to the boathouse.


"Up here, Ellie."

Making my way up to the deck, I'm surprised to find Liam alone, settled on the lounge chair, shaded by a large octagonal umbrella.

I drop a casual kiss to his cheek before looking around. "Where's Sam?"

"I sent her on an errand with Mom. Bit of a wild goose chase, to be honest. Dad's up at the main house."

I study my friend closely, trying to keep a neutral smile on my face. His eyes are hollow, sunken. His skin has a sickly color to it. I can hardly believe this is the same boy from two nights ago.

"I know, I look dreadful. I didn't have a good night. I'll be better tomorrow, don't worry." His voice sounds flat, like he's rehearsed that part of his speech, but I smile at him, nodding. "Come, sit with me for a bit."

I can hear the determined tone in his voice, so I bite my lip to hide the fact I know he's lying to me, smiling as I ask, "Can I get you anything? Juice? Soda?"

"Wouldn't say no to some iced tea. It's in the fridge."

I pour two glasses over ice, then move to sit on the lounger with Liam. "I'm sorry you had a hard night."

Liam looks up at me, smiling sadly. "Maybe I can be honest with you, Elle, if no one else. It wasn't really just last night. I've been feeling great for the past ten, twelve days, the doctors said I could expect as much, the body sometimes experiences a positive change, before the end. I've started to notice now that it's going the other way."

Emotion grabs me by the throat, and I reach out to grab Liam's hand. "Try not to think like that, Liam. Just rest, recover and we'll be here when you want us."

"The thing is, Elle. I have a few favors to ask you. Do you mind?"

Shifting to look directly at him, I cross my legs and settle in. "No, of course. Anything."

When he reaches over to the side of his chair, he pulls out a small package. "I've written some letters, for everyone I think needs one. I'd like you to pass them out, after."

The serious look in his eyes, the soft, pleading tone in his voice breaks my heart. "Oh, Liam." I blink back tears, fighting for control, fighting to be the person, the friend, he needs right now.

"I'm sorry, is this too much to ask? I don't think I can count on anyone else putting my needs and my friends' needs above their own feelings. But I've seen you do it every day. I know it's a lot, but will you help me?"

I just nod, too overcome to say anything. Too overcome by what he's asking of me. When I flip through the letters, I see one for Greyson, one for Ryan, one for Sam, one for me, one for his parents, and one for the whole hockey team, and one for Hudson and Theo together.

"Yours is special, Elle. It has instructions for the others, for a few things I'd like you to do, to help them."

Looking up at the small pile of letters in my hands, I bite my lip, trying not to fall apart. Looking over at my friend after a moment, I offer a small smile.

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