Chapter 37 Part 2: Greyson

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Note: This is a continuation of the previous chapter. Be sure to read part 1 first!

July 28

Minett, Muskoka

A sense of calm begins to creep in as Elle slides her small hand into mine.

Tugging her gently along with me, refusing to look back, I take her into the back office, nudging her down into a chair before rifling through the cupboards for the first aid kit. Finding what I need, I kneel down in front of her.

"Oh, Greyson, ouch." She strokes my cheek with the back of her knuckles, a barely there stroke meant to comfort. "Let me get you an ice pack."

"Don't move. I can wait." I grit out between clenched teeth.

Her finger traces lightly over my lip and I jerk away from her. "Shit. Don't I at least get a kiss to make it better before you torture me?"

Her soft sigh makes my lips twitch in a smile, but I regret it when my lip splits open even further.

"Palms up, Elle, let me see."

I clench my teeth as I look down at her scraped hands. Taking one of her smaller hands in mine, I begin to pick the tiny bits of wood out with the tweezers.

"Jesus Christ. I can't believe he put his hands on you, hurt you. I should go back out there. I never should have walked away."

"It's nothing, Greyson. Just a few splinters, really." She rubs the back of her hand up and down my arm gently. "I'm glad you walked away, I was so scared you wouldn't."

As I switch focus to her other hand, I feel her rummaging around in the first aid kit on my lap, then hear the satisfying pop of an ice pack.

"I'm so relieved, and proud that you walked away." She kisses the corner of my mouth softly, then presses the ice pack onto my face without a single ounce of mercy. Fuck. "You know I can't stand the thought of you being hurt, or the thought of you seriously hurting someone else."

I don't say anything. I wish I'd hurt him more. I'd still be hurting him if Elle hadn't needed me.

A few moments later, Hunter drags a remorseful looking Dan in, who proceeds to apologize to Elle, mumbling under his breath. Hunter shoves him back out the door, rolling his eyes. Hunter will update the schedule. Just before they leave, I hear Hunter's low voice telling Dan to get his shit together, no more warnings.

"You okay, Ellie-bean?" I smile, just a little, at his nickname for her, and wince, reminding myself it's probably best not to smile or talk.

Hunter has such a soft spot for her. I think he always wanted a sister but got stuck with two older brothers. He's basically adopted Elle, anyway.

He used to come over all the time, asking if we could go and see Elle. She had all the Disney movies that Hunter's brothers were too old for and made fun of Hunter for watching.

He, Elle, Tess, and I probably watched those movies hundreds of times as kids.

I look up at her as she nods, I try to breathe deeply, focusing on the small splinters, trying to gently remove every single one from her soft skin.

"Tell me what you meant when you told Dan there wouldn't be any more warnings." My voice is muffled by the fabric and ice pack Elle is pressing against my lips, but it's clear they understand my question.

Hunter and Elle look at one another, and Elle's face flushes with stress, but Hunter only pats her knee.

"It's not the first time Dan has been inappropriate with Elle. We thought we handled it, Grey. I talked to him, so did Dad."

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