Chapter 57: Elle

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August 18

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

For the first time in days, I feel real, genuine excitement bubbling inside me. There isn't a trace of the tension, stress, or anxiety that I've been carrying with me the past weeks.

No matter how much fun I have with my friends, I'm constantly bombarded with everyone's intense feelings, and the need to support everyone is overwhelming.

But not tonight. Tonight Brodie, Tess, and Steph will be here, and I can't wait to run into one of Tess' sisterly hugs, one of Steph's signature cuddles, and one of Brodie's epic bear hugs, the kind that lifts you off your feet, squeezes you tight, like a hug from the tops of your toes to the top of your head and deep into your soul.

They got home late last night from their year abroad. We're having a dock party at Hudson's and our parents are all having dinner with Genevieve and Mitch who are also back, arriving with the kids.

Even though I'm excited, it's still a little bittersweet that we'll be having a party and missing an evening with Liam. Ryan and Sarah assure us they have it well covered, pushing us to take the night away to celebrate the return of our friends. Jacqueline and Paul are also adamant that we spend some time with our own families too.

So, tonight, it's a big dinner with the gang, including kids and parents, then Kids to Hudson's place, parents to Mitch and Genevieve's place, well everyone except Hugh. Even Theo's parents are making an appearance, but oddly enough, Theo's barely acknowledged the fact that they'll be here.

Hudson lost the rock paper scissors round and is now my co-planner. I was more than a little offended when I asked for help and the boys immediately threw their fists out.

Greyson softened his lack of interest in helping with a steamy kiss and a wink that made my stomach flutter along with a declaration he'll help set up when we're back, but he wanted to spend as much of the day with Liam, too.

Hudson just rolled his eyes, grabbed my hand, and dragged me to the boat to go to town and get our supplies.

Now that we're here though, he's perked up and we're walking around town grabbing the food for the grill and Twister, the game. We agreed to cover the water trampoline in twister sheets for a massive tournament.

"Come on, Elle. Let's hit the Fun Store, guaranteed they'll have it."

Not only does the small Fun Store, filled with games, have Twister, they also have a series of ridiculous props and Hudson's current focus: water guns. I groan. Looks like we're adding to the list of activities.

Just as we're checking out, Hudson shouts in my direction. "Wait, Elle, we need this. Executive decision."

I laugh as I see the large box containing a Slip 'N Slide. What the hell. "Toss it in."

We split the bill and wander back to the boat. "Let's stop for a cone. My treat. I want to talk to you before we go home."

I opt for a milkshake, so I can avoid the mess of a cone and the melted soup of a cup. Hud takes a giant three scoop cone, eating quickly as we drop down on the end of the public dock.

He bumps my shoulder with his, "You hanging in there?"

I look out over the water, sipping my mint chocolate chip shake. "Why wouldn't I be?" I ask, vaguely. I turn my head to face him, thrown a little by the long pink scar on his cheek, as I have been every time since he removed the bandage. His stitches are out now and the cut has sealed nicely. There should only be a long thin scar remaining when it's fully healed.

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