Chapter 28: Greyson

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July 14

Thousand Islands, Ontario

Shit, Jules' place is unreal.

I've never spent any time on the St. Lawrence, and her cottage sits on a small, private island in the middle of the Thousand Islands.

Stretched out in the sun, I let my mind wander back over the past two days, tucking my favorite moments with Elle into a little box I can revisit over and over again.

We arrived late the first night after a long day, first at the festival and then the late evening drive. Jules had navigated the dark water and islands expertly, though, with Elle shining the big spotlight and helping when needed.

I'd barely managed to keep my eyes open long enough to strip, shower, and dig out clean boxers and fall into bed. I hadn't even noticed Elle climb in beside me, after her swim with the others. Not until I'd woken up with her curled into my side, head on my chest. And what a sight she was to wake up to.

Our first day had been all about adventure. We'd toured the islands, picnicked and tubed behind the boat. Jules was a total menace as the driver, and Elle and I had crashed into the water more times than I can count.

Towards the end, I'd had to pin Elle down in the tube to keep her in place, her arms tired and shaking from the exertion of holding on through the sharp turns and high speeds Jules likes to keep up. We'd been the first pair to go, and after that, only Theo and Sarah had been brave, or stupid enough to try while Jules was driving.

Fortunately, she'd let me take over so she could take a turn with Hudson, then Mads and Ryan took advantage of my mellower driving skills. I know how to give people a wild ride, without having them bail every three minutes.

Later, we spent the evening laughing around an open fire, grilling hotdogs on sticks, followed by s'mores, while Theo regaled us with a collection of horror and ghost stories he'd made up on the spot. They'd become wilder and wilder as the evening progressed, making me laugh, but Elle had clung to me, spooked by Theo's flashlight lit face and dark voice. It was so hokey and cheesy; it capped off the night perfectly.

Everything about the past few days has left me a little raw, feeling like an exposed nerve. First, with Elle, the realization that I need to start talking to her, letting her in. I just don't know how and it's a crushing weight on my chest when I do think about it. Then, fucking Craig. It made me crazy to hear about how he'd left because Mads said no. Every time I think about it; I want to punch him right in his smug face. I can't believe anyone would put their girl in a position like that.

Despite the damper Craig's departure had put on Mads, Ryan has taken a particular interest in bolstering her. She turned from sad and a little lost, to sweetly, quietly happy.

After another day by the water, swimming, diving, paddle boarding, windsurfing and tubing, I'm now stretched out on a lounge chair in the sun.

Today has been peaceful, despite the turmoil coursing through me.

We started the morning snuggled up in the massive bed. Elle was pressed so close to me that we probably could have fit another four people in the bed with us.

I love that even in sleep, perhaps even more than when she's awake, she needs to be near me.

So, I watched her sleep for nearly an hour before she stretched like a cat in the sun streaming through our window at seven-thirty, opening her eyes, blinking up at me. Fully alert, as usual.

We cooked breakfast together for the whole gang, well I watched, trying to help as Elle cooked, then I took sick pleasure in waking Ry and Theo up as aggressively as possible. Elle had strictly forbidden me from waking up Hud since she wasn't sure if Jules was in there. I'd rolled my eyes, but let her creep in and quietly wake them.

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