Chapter 45: Elle

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August 6

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

"Fuck, that hurts."

"I'm so sorry, Hudson. Are you okay? Can I keep going?"

"Maybe just rip it off, Elle. Get it over with?"

"I can't, I think some stitches are stuck to the bandage." I bite my lip, looking closely at the bandage that's stuck to his cheek.

I peel back another millimeter, trying my best to ignore Hudson's tense jaw, his small flinches and cursing as I try to separate the dried blood-crusted bandage from his face.

Not surprisingly, Theo wasn't the ideal nurse. Especially not when he was hungover. One look at Hudson's gruesome cut led to Theo puking his guts out.

Clearly, Theo missed the point that it was the nurse's job to be the bad guy and the tough guy and make sure the patient took care of himself, so this wouldn't happen.

Slightly hungover myself, I grit my teeth together. I'd woken up this morning, in that same magenta lingerie set, my dress hanging from my doorknob, to a note on my pillow and a small bunch of wildflowers. Greyson's precise, all-capital-letter handwriting made me smile.

'Gone to Ry's. Prepping for Liam. Take an Advil, maybe two, drink some juice, eat something unhealthy, preferably fried. Trust me. Call me later. X - G'

I was a little glad I didn't have to face him this morning. How could I have been so careless last night, drinking the way I did? What if I'd blabbed? I was lucky that I remember the whole night, at least until I'd fallen asleep in his arms.

"Please give me a little space, Theo. You're in my light."

"That looks pretty gnarly, Elle." Theo's unhelpful comment from over my shoulders makes me roll my eyes.

"We wouldn't be in this situation, Theo, if you had helped him change the bandage on time, instead of leaving Hudson face planted in the pillows for fourteen hours."

Shifting a little awkwardly, I try to look under the gauze from another angle. "I'm sorry, Hudson, but I think this next part is the worst, but it looks like it's the last bit that's stuck, then we're done."

Hudson's fingers grip my wrist so hard, I nearly yelp. "Just rip it off." I bite my lip again, I can't rip it off, I'm too scared to tear the stitches. Maybe I can make him think I'll rip it off, then just go as quickly as I can. "Okay, just hold still. Maybe you can hold Theo's hand instead of mine? You're hurting me a little."

His hand drops immediately, a horrified expression on his face as he looks at my wrist, noticing the marks he's left there. "Sorry, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, Hudson, don't worry. Honestly. Theo?"

Grumbling under his breath he grabs Hudson's hand in his. "Better not damage them, I need them to work my magic with the girls."

"Get over yourself, the only thing you need your hands for is a little five on one." Hudson's laugh makes me smile, but I have no idea what they are talking about.

Theo flips him off.

"What's five on one?" I have no clue what they're talking about, or how it applies to Theo's hand, or this situation.

Hudson and Theo share a mildly horrified look before Hudson jumps in, "I'm just messing with T, ignore me."

"Yeah, put him out of his misery, Elle. Mine too. Let's get this show on the road."

I lift the corner of the bandage again, using my free hand to pull the skin of his cheek tighter, the sound of the bandage pulling loose makes me a little ill, as does every wince from Hudson. His hand flies up to grab my thigh, squeezing hard. "Just do it, Elle."

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