Chapter 11: Elle

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June 20

Minett, Muskoka

Jogging down the rocky slope from the cottage down to the water, I skid the last few feet, jumping lightly onto the dock.

I'm running a few minutes late for my first day at work.

I untie the stern line, then bow and push off the dock as I jump in. Trimming down, I start my boat and accelerate as soon as the trim is down.

I spent too much time getting ready this morning, wanting to look effortlessly perfect for my first full day working alongside Greyson.

I fly around the point, slowing down at the last possible moment. Coasting in and glancing at my watch, I sigh with relief. Three minutes to spare.

I love this place. I came to visit Greyson nearly every day last summer when he worked here. I was surprised to find out he chose to work here again since he generally found the job to be too slow for his taste.

Last summer, he'd wanted to work in construction or on the grounds of the club instead. As I know all too well with him, I guess things change.

I look around at the old pine marina, now painted dark green to blend into the beautiful surroundings. Crisp white trim makes it pop, just a little, and adds an old town vibe to the building. A small shop, a large mechanic bay, and three gas pumps stand out by the water. The water sports equipment shop is just off to one side.

Tying off once I've docked, I wander over the creaky, wobbly floating docks and into the marina.

I spot Hunter, Greyson's older cousin, who manages the marina during the summers. He's four years ahead of me, and good friends with Steph and Brodie. He lives locally, other than attending college a few hours southwest of here. I smile. "Hey, Hunter, or do I call you Mr. Pruitt now that you're my boss?" I tease him, just a little.

"Hey, Ellie-bean," he opens his arms, greeting me enthusiastically, and I fly into his embrace for a big hug, returning his squeeze. The nickname brings a rush of warmth to my heart. "Hunter will be fine, or Big Boss, but I'm flexible."

Hunter is another one of those known-for-as-long-as-I-can-remember friends. He's always been what I call 'core group adjacent' since he doesn't live in the city close to the rest of us, we often drop out of touch during the year, only to pick up again each June.

We start with a short tour, the office, washroom, supplies, and working the equipment. He tells me Greyson can show me the ropes as we work, rather than go over it all today. The back office of the marina is larger than I realized, and I'm glad to see some lockers and cubbies to keep my things.

When we finish the tour, I walk back through the small office to the lockers. I punch in, according to his instructions, then head back out to the desk. The job I've signed on for is general support, so basically anything Hunter needs me to do, I'll do. It's my first real job, so all I want to do is learn and try everything.

"What do you need me on today?" I lean over the counter, peeking down at his desk and the big fat notebook he's got in front of him.

Hunter hands me a list for the week, "Opening week, Ellie. At least for the seasonal stuff, so I'll need you mostly on the resort attraction tasks this week. Inflating the rentals, taking inventory, handling rental inquiries. Just come find me if you have questions or need help. Grey knows the drill, he'll help you out."

Depends what mood he's in, I think to myself. "Great, I guess I'll just get started, then, and holler if I need you."

Jumping in, itching to be productive, I pump up the inflatable tubes and rafts that are available to rent. I have about twenty to inflate, and it's slow going with only a battery-powered pump. By the time I've done one, Greyson is pulling into the marina, ten minutes past the start of our shift. I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

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