Chapter 48: Elle

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August 8

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

Pulling my hair back into a ponytail, I jump in my boat and throttle all the way down as I pull out from the marina.

What a mess.

Mads is grounded until the school year starts, having failed to mention to her mom and dad that she'd be taking the boat out after dark, and for coming home hungover. I feel terrible for her.

Thankfully, she was more grateful than anything else over the events of last night. Between retching and complaining about how terrible she felt, she'd also confessed how relieved she was that she didn't need to keep auditioning for the group. From what she explained to me, it was like a constant hazing ritual, one with no end in sight.

As I'd held her hair away from her face, providing her with water, cool towels, and moral support, while she'd emptied her stomach in the bathroom, we'd finally cemented our friendship. It felt like we'd found that spot where our lives were meant to connect, like a little puzzle piece finding its place.

Together, we'd made a sort of pact, to stick up for one another next year, and to make sure we did the same for the other girls in our group. I also told her she should count on having support from the boys.

Unfortunately for our new, fragile sense of friendship, I'd found out about her grounding when I'd called to check on her later in the afternoon, after she'd gone home. This likely means I won't get to see her so much before the school year starts.

I can only hope Chiara will also be grounded until the school year, maybe longer if I'm lucky. I could certainly go without another run-in with her this summer. Do I feel bad about calling her dad? Not particularly, it seemed like the best option at the time, and it got rid of her, so no, nothing to regret.

Do I regret that I will now have a target on my back? Absolutely.

Despite the assurances of the boys, I'm still nervous about Chiara. Even though I won't see her every day, there are all the shared social events between our schools.

Theo and Ry think we need to get ahead of the gossip train, and bolster Mads' reputation a bit to cast some doubt on whatever mean spirited gossip they might have aimed in her direction. Ry even offered to play the role of boyfriend as they head back into the school year.

Mads had cried at his offer, throwing her arms around him proclaiming he'll be the best fake boyfriend she never really had. We'd sent Mads home feeling better about everything, and Ry will get to play the role of knight in shining armour for a while.

I've been given homework to tell Vi, Hudson will tell Jules. They'll tell the rumor mill in that not-so-subtle secret way, that leads to the spread of wildfire gossip.

It all feels so complicated, so stressful, and unnecessary. I hate that these games are such a part of the schools' ecosystems. All I want is to wrap myself up in Greyson's protective arms and let the world say what they will.

I don't need stories, or tall tales to make me feel secure. I know Greyson will stand up for me, for us. He's already told me that before, and I believe him. Plus, with his support, and Theo's admiration and aggressive cheerleading from last night, I even kind of liked the feeling I got from standing up for myself, and my friends.

It's a feeling I'd like to feel more of.

I slow down and angle my way into Greyson's boathouse, tying off in the empty slip beside his boat. For once, all the boats are here, and I'm a little anxious as I wander up the long, steep staircase to the main cottage.

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