Chapter 59: Greyson

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August 20

Loon Call Island, Lake Rosseau, Muskoka

Reaching behind me, I grab Elle's hand, hauling her up the last rocky portion of the cliff. "Last bit. That is if Brodie ever decides we've reached whatever destination he had in mind."

Brodie's deep chuckle echoes lightly through the trees as he helps Tess up the next small ledge ahead of us. "Stop complaining, G. Or is the hockey team making you soft? Maybe you should pick up a second sport, like football, toughen you up a bit."

I flip Brodie a good-natured middle finger, used to his teasing about my only managing one varsity sport, compared to his star record for both football and hockey.

"Honestly, someone please just tell me we're nearly there. Wherever there is. I need a break, I need a swim, and I need something to eat." Tess throws her arm over Elle's shoulders, leaning on her exaggeratedly when we catch up to them, and I can see the twinkle in her eyes.

I can also see how happy Elle is to have Tess back, Steph too, but Steph'd had no interest whatsoever in joining us this afternoon, so we'd left her with Hud and Theo. They'd agreed to pick us up on the other side of the island later this afternoon.

"We're close, Tess, I'll feed you soon. How 'bout you walk up with me for a bit Ellie? Brodie tips her ball cap down over her eyes before walking ahead, pulling her with him as he wraps an arm over her shoulders...

When Elle throws a desperate glance back at me, sharing a pained look with Tess, I grin and wave at her. "Nice knowing you, babe."

We've been hiking for nearly two hours already, with no breaks. Brodie's six and a half foot frame, and the legs that go with it, set a brutal pace for Elle. But she's a trooper, and I know she wouldn't miss this day with him and Tess for anything. I watch as she trails behind him, laughing at something he's said, before she jumps up, and onto his back, clinging even as he tries to shake her loose.

"I don't know how he does it. God, baby bro, you might be carrying me home. Cause I know he won't. Or, well, maybe you can shove me down a hill, I can pretend to sprain my ankle. Then he might consider it."

Laughing, I shove my sister lightly. "Missed you. Because I did, I'll carry you home, with or without a sprained ankle."

"Oh yeah? Is that why you stopped answering my calls? Because you missed me too much? Why you aren't living at our cottage, even though I'm back?"

When I move to step away, to walk ahead, she grabs the fabric of my shirt. "Not so fast baby bro, walk with me. Talk with me."

When her arm slides around my ribs, I wait for the familiar prickle of discomfort to enter my body, and am a little shocked when it doesn't, so I let her keep her grip on me, sliding my arm over her shoulders to find a balance. It feels... nice.

If Tess is surprised, she doesn't say anything, but I feel her fingers clench on my t-shirt.

"I'm staying with Theo for a bit."

"Dad's not there, you know. He picked me up at the airport, we had dinner, then he dropped me off here. He gave me some things to think about."

"What things?"

"He wants me to live with him, between breaks at school, I mean. After the divorce."

Tightness squeezes my chest. I know Tess is moving to school, but the thought of her having a different home than me fills me with dread. "What did you say?"

She looks up at me, her big, brown eyes sad. "I asked him where you decided to live, or if you had decided." She shakes her head, looking away. "He told me you chose Mom. How could you choose, without at least talking to me? I'm not surprised, I would have supported you, but how could you just make that choice without me?"

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