Chapter 10 You and I

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Lizzie's point of view:

We stayed there for two hours! Just talking. I told James about my goals in life after I graduates high school. He told me that he wanted to open a restaurant. James joked around and said: 'if that doesn't work out I'll become a prostitute!' I laughed so hard tonight. But it was almost over because now we were in his car, and he was driving me home.

Maybe all the stories weren't true. Maybe he was different. Maybe he was lying to get me in bed. The last one was the most believable reason. I mean, he goes around and plays with girls emotions. What made me think that he could change when he probably couldn't?

"Oh I love this song!" I screamed and I turned up the volume on the radio up all the way. "YOU AND I! WE DONT WANNA BE LIKE THEM! WE CAN MAKE IT TO THE END! NOTHING CAN COME BETWEEN YOU AND I" I sang to one directions song You and I.

Before I knew it, James joined in with me. "NOT EVEN THE GODS ABOVE, COULD SEPARATE THE TWO OF US! OH NOTHING CAN COME BETWEEN YOU AND I!" We both shout sang the rest of the song together. When it was over it was only five more minutes until we reached my house, and it was 3:00am!

"No no no!" I yelled at James. "You turned right instead of left!"

"Oh..." something told me he did it on purpose. "sorry Elizabeth."

"You can take a left up here at Pine Avenue and then just go around the opposite side to get to my house." I confirmed.

"Ok." James pause. "Are you sure you're ok with me knowing where you live?" He asked me. "Because for all you know I could be an axe murderer and now that I know where you live, I can stalk you and kill you in your sleep!" I started laughing so hard and same with James. If anything he'd be a rapist not an axe murderer. But I kept that thought to myself because I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"I'll take my chances." I giggled. "It's the big yellow house about 30 feet aways." I pointed out my house so he was able to let me out.

"Ok. Here you go ma lady!" James chirped. He got out and ran to the other side of the car so he could open up my door. Was he always this nice or was he just feeling extra horny tonight?

"Thank you." I said with a big smile plastered on my face. I couldn't help but smile. His actions made me happy.

He then walked me to the door and said: "I know I hurt you today. And I understand if you can never forgive me. I promise you I'll never hurt you." His eyes had an honest look in them.

"You shouldn't make promises you cant keep." I said.

"What do you mean?" James was confused.

"We're human. We fail. I'm sure you'll hurt me and I'll hurt you. But we won't mean to. We're just two imperfect people." It was the truth. I knew it for a fact.

"Id rather be imperfect and have you then be perfect and live life without you." James took my hand and kissed it. My heart fluttered with excitement! He knew I didn't want him to kiss me on my lips, and he respected my decision. "Good night Elizabeth."

He slowly walked away and I just stood there, dazed on my front porch. He had out me in a trance. I watched him get into his car and drive away.

Maybe he can change.

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