Chapter 29 History

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Dylan's point of view:

"No, he's the father of Rumpelstiltskin." Lizzie explained to me as we sat on her couch watching her favorite show.

"I haven't seen this in so long, I think I've forgotten everyone's name." I laughed as I popped another piece of popcorn in my mouth.

"You kids having fun?" Lizzie's mom said as she came out of the kitchen. She was smiling at Lizzie but when she glanced at me, she gave me a death stare. I did deserve it.

When Lizzie and I dated before, my parents were going through a nasty divorce, and to escape from them constantly fighting, I would drink. And all of the anger that I bunched up inside of me, well, I let it out when I was drunk and I made the stupid choice of taking it out on Lizzie. So, she dumped me. I understand what I did was wrong, but this last summer I was in rehab so I could change.

I know Lizzie wouldn't dump James for me, I didn't expect her to. But I knew that if... not if I mean WHEN he hurts her, she'll need a shoulder to cry on. I'll be there for her and then she'll realize that we're meant to be.

"I like Captain Hook." Lizzie said as she stuffed her sexy face with popcorn. Then my world fell to pieces. I heard a buzz from Lizzie's pocket and I knew that it just had to be James trying to call her. She wiped her phone out of her jean's pocket and answered by saying, "Hey James." I could hear a little mumble on the other line which was James' awful voice speaking to Lizzie. "Oh, nothing much. I'm watching Once Upon A Time with Dylan."

"WHAT!" I could clearly hear James yell that on the other side. "Are you insane?" He cried once more. Then I heard a few more whispers of his voice and then Lizzie unexpectedly handed me her phone.

"He wants to talk to you." She said as I took the phone.

"Sup ma-" my sentence got cut off by James' aggressive voice.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" I could tell his teeth were grinding at the thought of Lizzie and I being together.

"Watching T.V." I said as I got up from the couch. I walked into the kitchen, where I was alone just incase things got messy with me and James on the phone. I didn't want to say something that Lizzie might hear, and I might regret.

"Get the fūçk away from my girl. Keep your dirty paws off of her." James was panting on the other end. He was probably sweating his balls off because I was with Lizzie... and he wasn't.

"No." I clearly stated. "She invited me to stay. I came to her house this morning and she asked me to stay." It was the truth. After we made our deal, Lizzie asked me if I wanted to hang out. But she clearly told me that this was only a friendly get together and this meant nothing. But James didn't know that. "So, I stayed. She wanted me here. She didn't ask you to come, she asked me. Lizzie hasn't even thought about you until you called her. I think that she'll dump you before you even get to say you love her."

"Shut the fúck up!" James screamed at me.

"We dated for two years. We have a history. We're perfect together. You're just a bitch she thinks can change. But when you break her heart, and trust me you will, all she'll have left is me. And that'll be all she ever wants." And I then hung up to leave that thought hanging in his head.

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