Chapter 37 Apart of me

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James' POV:

I arrived at the mall at seven in the morning. I was certain to check all of the stores every fifteen minutes to make sure I didn't miss Elizabeth. It was around ten in the morning when I then saw Maya and Elizabeth enter the mall.

Oh My God!

I couldn't talk to her. I didn't have any courage to go over to her and tell her how I feel and how sorry I am. I didn't have the strength to talk to her. I was scared that I'd say something wrong and then things would be twenty billion times more awkward between us. I didn't want to hurt her anymore then I already had done.

Before I had my chance to talk to her, she had walked into Old Navy and I could see her walking away through the display window. I wasn't going to let her get away like this! I then started sprinting towards the store and I would search all over there to find her if I had to.

I was looking all over for about five minutes until I spotted her. I found Elizabeth over by the dress section all by herself. Then I eyed all around the store to make sure Maya was far away from Elizabeth and that she wasn't going to interrupt what I had to say to her.

"Hey." I said as I finally convinced myself to go over to where she was standing. She was sweeping her hands over the bottom of the dress she had just tried on and was smoothing out the edges.

"Oh." She shockingly said. But she didn't pay me any attention... but she also didn't walk away from me. As if she was interested in what I had to say. She then started to sway back and forth to see how the dress fit her.

"You look beautiful." I politely commented. The little red dress she had tried on was hugging her curves and it made her look so sexy!

"Oh." She said half ignoring me. "Thank you." She managed to choke out.

"Look Elizabeth, we need to ta-" She then cut me off by saying something that broke my heart all over again.

"Was she worth it?" She asked me as she sharply turned to face me and was no longer engaged at looking at herself in the mirror.

"It's not what you think Elizabeth!" I cried.

"Really? She just happened to come to you and kiss you all over and you just happened to let her do it?" A single tear rolled down her cheek, but the little mascara she was wearing, it didn't fade or smear.

"Just let me explain to you. Please Elizabeth! You have to believe me when I say she doesn't mean anything to me!" I yelled. But I didn't care if the other shoppers heard me. Heck! I didn't care if China heard me. I just wanted Elizabeth back in my arms.

"Believe you, like I did before? Trust you, like I did before? Care about you, like I did before?" She was now uncontrollably sobbing and no one was there to comfort her but me.

"Elizabeth," I started to say. I then slowly pulled her towards me and I put my hand on her shoulder to show that I cared. I forgot how good it felt to touch her. How good it was to be near her and talk to her. But I didn't want to see her like this. Hurt.

She then looked up into my eyes and she didn't pull away from my touch. "Yeah?" She asked me vulnerably.

"I'm in love with you."

"I'm in love you too." She said after a few silent moments. "But I think we should take a break. You need to figure out how you feel about Annie too. If she was just somebody you had a one night stand with, or if I was the mistake you made."

Lizzie's POV:

He just stood there. Looking at me. The way I had reacted had put him in a state of shock. "I... I um," Every word I had learned from pre-school to now, had just flew out of my mind and left me speechless. "I should go." I could tell he could barely hear the hurtful words I had just managed to chock out of my mouth, but I didn't care. Not anymore.

I quickly ran away from him and changed into my regular clothes. Fighting back tears, I drove all the way to my house without Maya. She could get a ride with someone else like Cameron. When I got home, I fell against the cold wall. What had just happened? All I knew is that I wasn't able to think straight. My mind was clouded with memories of him. I shook my head trying to forget everything that was involved with him. But I wasn't able to forget. These thoughts were a part of me now.

He was a part of me.

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