Chapter 30 The unlucky table

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James' POV:

"I saved you a seat." I said as Elizabeth walked over to join my table. As usual, I was sitting with Justin, Cameron, Maya and her. But it felt different sitting by her today. I think it felt different because I had wanted her for so long, and now, I had her. Things had changed between us, and they had changed in a good way.

"Hey." An unpleasant voice echoed through my ear. Dylan sat on the other side of Elizabeth and she just smiled at him as she took a bite out of her burger.

"Hi." I gulped. When I found out that Elizabeth and Dylan were friends again, She assured me that nothing was going on between them and he was only there to be her friend. I believed Elizabeth when she told me they were just friends, but I knew for a fact that Dylan had an evil master plan to steal Elizabeth away from me. "So Elizabeth, how was your day?"

"Yeah Lizzie, how's your day been?" Dylan repeated my question but he kindly put his hand on her shoulder to show that he really cared. I thought the gesture he had just made was a little too polite.

"Excuse me," I said as I removed his hand off of Elizabeth. "last time I checked, you two weren't dating." So after I said that, I took Elizabeth's hand in mine and I started to intertwine our fingers. Moving them in a slow, sexy pattern and I did it above the table, so Dylan was able to see.

"It was ok," Elizabeth could sense the tension rising between Dylan and I so she quickly came up with an excuse to leave. "Um, Maya? Let's go to the ladies room and let the boys talk for awhile."

"Ummm... ok?" Elizabeth had to practically drag Maya and her lips away from Cameron, leaving him dumbfounded.

"Look, I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop hitting on my girl." I calmly said to Dylan after Elizabeth and Maya had walked away so they weren't able to hear our conversation. Because I was 100% sure that things would get messy.

"And I'd really appreciate it if you'd leave her alone, but I guess we're both out of luck." Dylan was trying to stare me down but it wasn't working.

"I don't want you near her, got it." I may have been calm before but I could feel my anger raging, and it started coursing through my vanes.

"You can't tell me what to do!" Dylan cried as he banged his fist on top of the cafeteria's lunch table. "She asked me to stay! She wants my protection! And last year, she had sex with me!"

"That's it bitch!" I yelled as I slammed my hand down on the table like Dylan did before. I got up out of my seat, and I pulled him out of his chair by grabbing him by his shirt. "If Elizabeth loves you so much, then why is she dating me!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. And that sure did get everyone's attention.

People all around started whispering about what was going on. And a few of my exs even started crying. But right now I didn't care that they were shedding tears, all that I cared about was the fact that Dylan was moving in on Elizabeth!

"The only reason Lizzie's dating you is because she doesn't realize that you're just a piece of shīt." Dylan whispered this next part into my ear, and it set me on fire! "And when she does find out how ratchet you truly are, I'll be the only one around who will be there for her."

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOU KEEP YOUR FÜÇKING HANDS OFF OF HER!" I was so pissed, that I then slammed Dylan's body on top of the table we were sitting at, making trays fly and food splatter.

I had made a dent in the table by forcing his body onto it. That is one unlucky table.

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