Chapter 14 Unbreakable

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James' point of view:

Sunday slowly passed and before I knew it, I had to go back to school. I don't understand why our first day of school was last Friday. Why couldn't they just start us on a Monday and not have to ruin our last week of summer vacation. So today was our second day of school.

I had one mission today and that was to convince Elizabeth that nothing was going on between Sarah and me.

I hurried up to get ready and drove to school. I had never been so anxious to get to school before but now I had a reason. I wondered what other classes Elizabeth and I had together? The only reason I noticed her in last hour is because I crushed her pen. I felt awful. Now she was all I could think about.

I pulled up into the schools parking lot and rushed to my locker. There were usually a few girls standing by my locker flirting with me but today there was a big group of ladies. To bad I didn't care about any of them any more.

As I got closer to my locker a snotty blonde came up and said, "Are you done dating Annie?"

"Yes." So this is what all these ladies wanted. They wanted me to pick them next.

"So wanna go out tonight?" She then asked again.

"Nope." I said as I started to do my locker com.

"What the hell!" She screamed. "Why not?"

"Because I don't want to date you." I clearly stated. Then another girl came up to me to ask me out. "I DON'T WANT TO DATE ANY OF YOU!" I screamed to all the girls. That sure did get there attention! Before I knew it they all turned on me and were asking me why I felt that way. I didn't want to answer them so I ran straight to my first hour class to escape the swarm of blondes.

I rushed into Mr. Link's classroom and I saw that over half of the class was already seated. "Sit wherever for today class," Mr. Link informed us. "I'll have a seating chart finished by the end of this week."

My eyes darted all over the room. I saw Cameron sitting all alone in the back of the room but I wasn't so sure if I wanted to spend time alone with him. He could be a pretty weird guy if you talked to him for to long. Then I saw her. She was sitting in the middle of the room all alone at a table. My feet starting pacing toward her and I couldn't stop walking to her.

"Hello, may I sit here?" I said gesturing to the open table seat besides her.

"It's a free country." She annoying said.

"Ok well thank you for being so welcoming." I chuckled but she just sat there with a stone faced expression. "Look, I wasn't doing anything with Sarah. It's just a big misunderstanding." I tried to explain to Elizabeth.

"I don't care." I could tell that she felt otherwise. Her voice may of sounded cold and harsh but her eyes looked afraid and vulnerable.

"Let's just forget it ok?"

"Ok. " she replied. Mr. Link's class drew on and we sat there not even interacting with each other. When the bell rang, Elizabeth jumped out of her seat and ran out of the door while I just slumped back in my seat.

As my day went on I found out that I also had third hour with her and lunch. I spotted Cameron, Justin and a few girls sitting at a table and they were saving a seat for me in the cafeteria. But then I saw Elizabeth sitting with a group of her friends. Some of them I regretfully dated. I deiced to go sit by Elizabeth and force her to talk to me or even notice that I existed.

"Hello ladies." I said as I sat down next to Elizabeth. "Hello Elizabeth." I winked at her and she rolled her eyes at me.

"Hey baby!" One of Elizabeth's friends said. Her name was Ruth and we dated one month ago.

"We're friends Ruth." I sternly said. And she rolled her eyes at me too.

"So Elizabeth, how's you day been?" I asked the beautiful brunette sitting by me.

"Awful now because you're involved in it." She hissed back at me. All of her friends heads snapped up looking at the two of us and wondering what was going on.

"That's harsh." I calmly said. "I just wanted to talk to you."

"Why is that?" She continued by saying: "did one of your whores leave you?" One girl spoke up by saying, 'oh snap girl!'

"Why can't we be friends?" I whined.

"Because I don't want to!" She snapped back. "If that's all you want then I'll be leaving you now."

She got up out of her seat to throw her tray away. "I'm sorry!" I cried loud enough that people sitting at four surrounding tables all looked over at me and her.

"Sorry you were with her or sorry you got caught?" Elizabeth cried. A single tear was streaming down her face. She walked to the cafeteria exit when I yelled after her.

"Elizabeth just listen to me!" I shouted. That got everyone's attention and now all eyes were on us.

She had frozen by the exit but had turned around to look at me. "Just go." Now there were multiple tears on her face. "I don't ever want to talk to you again!"

She left.

I was standing still. All eyes were now on me. I didn't know what to do. What she had just said felt like one thousand knifes piercing my heart. I had always been the heart breaker and now I knew what it felt like. I was dying on the inside. And before I knew it everyone could tell what I was feeling.

Because a single tear rolled down my cheek.

She had broken my unbreakable heart.

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