Chapter 32 About three months

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Annie's POV:

"He's so hot!" My friends and I giggled as Ryan walked down the school's hallway. "I betcha he'd screw you Annie." My friend Mia commented as she lightly pushed my shoulder.

"I don't care bout anyone but him." I reminded my girls.

"He's dating that brunet you know." Mia informed me.

"How could I not know! He can't go five seconds without having holding hands with her. I honestly don't see what he sees in her." I commented.

"Amen!" Sarah said. "When they came to McDonalds the night of the Halloween Bash, they were just friends, but now... yikes!"

"Thanks for pointing out the obvious." I snarled. "Do you think he'd cheat on her?" I wondered if I could be the other women.

"Probably. But I mean, he'll dump her in a day or so." One of my stupid friends spoke.

"THEY'CE BEEN DATING FOR THREE MOTHER FÛĆKING MONTHS SO HE BETTER DUMP HER IN A DAY OR TWO!" I was so infuriated by that fact. They were dating since December, at the least, and it was now February 12th. I swear to god, if he doesn't dump her soon I'll kill her in her sleep!

I then spotted them walking down the hall together, about to go to lunch. But then a miracle happened! One of the brunettes friends dragged her away, and down the science hall. While James just walked towards his locker. "Shoo ladies." I ordered. "Mommy's gotta go work some of her dark magic!" I said as they all left me and I made my way over to the stealing God over at his locker. "Hey there James. Did you hear about Dylan and Lizzie?" I was going to plant a lie in his head so then I could get a war started between him and his girlfriend.

"What about them?" He asked me as he shoved his books into his locker.

"That they were caught making
out at the mall on Saturday." I explained.

"Well, that's not possible because Elizabeth and I were in Greenstone County last weekend. And Dylan didn't join us." He then started to walk away towards the cafeteria but I wasn't going to let him go that easily.

"Oh. Well baby," I then took his arm and wrapped my arm around his. "Where ya sitting?" I asked him as he tried to pull away but failed to do so.

"Where I always sit. Without you!" He then yanked his arm away and he looked up only to see Lizzie staring at us.

"What's going on?" She suspiciously asked James.

"Nothing, nothing. Annie and I were just talking." He said as he walked over to her.

"Are you sure?" She then asked him.

"I'm positive." He then took her hand and they walked away to their table.

Oh god I'd get that bitch someday. And I wouldn't stop until I got what I wanted.

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