Chapter 27 The old lady with cats

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James' point of view

"So like what are you spoused to be?" Lauren asked Cameron.

"I'm an old lady that has cats! See the cats stapled all around my dress?" Cameron shouted over the music. Almost everyone in our school was here, and there was barely any air in this stupid gym.

"What about you James?" Lauren sassily snorted as she popped her gum. "Are you like, a Smurf?"

"Yes I am." I chocked out a smile as she moved closer to me. "I'm waiting for my date." I stated, but that didn't make her move away. What I had just said had drawn her closer to me. Great.

Then I spotted her. Elizabeth's face was painted bright blue, just like mine and as she walked, her shirt bobbed up and down. She didn't wear the blonde wig. I though she looked better without it. I'm sick of blondes! "Hey. You look so great!" I put my arm around her shoulders and squeezed them nice and tight.

"Oh how cute." Lauren gave a death stair to Elizabeth. "You two are matching." She puffed out her chest trying to make her boobs pop out... she failed miserably. "Well then, I guess I'll see you latter James." She winked as she strutted away.

Wow, I really have dated some wack-os!

"Wanna dance?" I asked Elizabeth as I pulled her to the dance floor. I didn't give her much of a chance but a smile grew on her face as I led the way.

"I love this song!" She screamed over the booming music.

"Me too!" I yelled back. We danced for about ten songs. Well, when I say dance I mean more like jumped around and waved our arms in the air. That was what everybody else was doing so we didn't stick out. Then opportunity struck when they started playing a slow song. Couples everywhere started slow dancing, and even making out. But the teachers didn't do anything but about it. There were to many hormonal teenagers to break up so they just stood there and watched like perverts.

"So," I casually said as I put my hands on Elizabeth's waist and pulled her close to me. I could feel her breasts on my chest, but our stomachs weren't touching just yet. "I'm having a fun night."

"Me too." Elizabeth agreed as she buried her head into my chest. Her soft hair was touching my arm and it took all my strength to resist the urge to kiss her. We just swayed back and forth. We were content and happy. It was perfect.

We left around 10:30 and I drove Elizabeth home. She had come with Maya so she didn't have to worry about her car. We were driving downtown when Elizabeth turned the radio down. "I don't want to go home." That certainly got my attention! "I don't want this evening to end just yet." She added.

"Well my fair lady," I spoke up. "where would you like to go?"

"I don't know." Elizabeth was stumped and then it all clicked in my mind! I know exactly where I'd take her! I had this all planned out but I didn't want to seem to suspicious.

"I might have an idea in mind." I grinned and looked into her beautiful, big, brown eyes.

"Where?" She questioned me. I just laughed and smiled as I started at the road ahead. "Oh my gosh James!" She squealed. "Answer me!!!"

I bursted out laughing but I didn't dare tell her what I had in mind. "If I tell you then it wouldn't be a surprise."

"Wow. I hate you." She playfully said. "Can I at least get a hint?" She begged.

"Ok. But only one!" I compromised. "Where we're going there is life in the night and in the day." I said.

"Is it a restaurant? It can't be a bar because bars aren't that busy in the day." Elizabeth examined.

"It could so be a bar!" I yelped. It wasn't a bar. "I could be taking you to a different state for all you know. I could really be kidnapping you!"

"I hate surprises!" She moaned. "Just tell me!!!!"

"No-can-do sister." I playfully said to her. Elizabeth was puzzled. She had no idea where I was taking her. Which was a good thing. Because I was going to surprise Elizabeth with something so big, it might give her a heart attack! But hopefully not. We soon pulled up into an old parking lot that had grass sprouting up everywhere in the cracked lot.

"Where are we?" Elizabeth cluelessly asked. It was dark so she wasn't able to make out what area she was in.

"You'll see." I smirked.

"Why can't I know?" Elizabeth nagged me. "Are you going to blindfold me so then I don't know where we're going.?" She playfully added. We both laughed for awhile when a serious expression made its way onto my face.

"That's not a bad idea." I glanced over at Elizabeth only to find a shocked look planted on her sexy face.

"You've got to be kidding me." She rudely remarked.

"Nope!" I grabbed an old hanker chief that was in the back of my Ford and gently tided it around her head making sure her eyes were fully covered. But just to make sure, I tested her. "How my finger am I holding up?" I asked her to make sure she had no idea where I was taking her.

"How the hell should I know? You covered my eyes up with a stupid cloth. Everything's black to me!" I just laughed at her sarcastic joke.

"Ok, I'm going to lead the way so take my hand and just listen to the sound of my voice." I said.

"How am I supposed to grab your hand if I can't see it?" She had gotten me there. So instead, I took her hand and led her out of the car.

We had been walking for a few minutes when I said: "Be careful here Elizabeth, it gets kind of bumpy." I kindly informed her.

"Ok." She grumbled. But I knew that this was all worth it. I had something so magical planned and this whole trip would be worth it all.

"Ok." I wet around and started to untie the knot that was holding the hanker chief up to her eyes. Then, it finally dropped to the ground and she saw what the whole point of this journey was for.

I had taken her deep into the community park and I had decorated the gazebo that lay in the heart of the park. It was a beautiful starry night, and I was so lucky because it was a full moon tonight! I had strung lanterns all across the gazebo's roof, and along the trail, there were tall torches lit so we were able to see. Inside the gazebo there was a small table that had two seats at it. I had personally ordered a dinner for us to dine on. If Elizabeth expected me to cook, she was going to be very disappointed. I then handed her a single, red rose and Elizabeth blushed so hard he cheeks could have been mistaken as tomatoes!

"James!" She said as she threw her arms around my neck. "It's gorgeous!" She whispered seductively into my ear. "Thank you." She added in. My arms were tightly wrapped around her but not enough to hurt her.

The warmth that her body was providing sent chills up my spin, and made my fingers feel tingly when I got to touch her. When I got to be near her. Even when I had the opportunity to talk to her. Elizabeth did something to me. Something that words would never be able to describe.

I wanted her.

I needed her.

"Elizabeth?" I said as I took her hands. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

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