Chapter 13 What's love?

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James point of view:

I grabbed another beer and opened it as i rejoined Cameron and Justin on my couch. Justin was trying to act all tough and
bad boy like because he wanted to show off. Even though every word that came out of his mouth was untrue, Cameron still believed him.

"She was so sexy." Justin finished all of his story's off by saying that phrase.

"So Justin you said this that you met this girl in Hawaii?" I questioned him trying to squeeze the truth out of him.


"And when exactly did you go to Hawaii?" I then said. But the look on his face showed he was surprised that I had caught him in his web of lies but I did. He just looked at me shocked. "My point exactly!"

Cameron wasn't drinking because he claimed to have date with Maya. "Have you told her you love her?" Justin asked Cameron.

"No." He said plainly.

"If you tell a girl you love her she'll climb into bed with you." Justin stated.

"When have you ever experienced that?" I cautiously question Justin.

"Shut on man." He cried. He knew that I could read him like book!

"I think I'm gonna tell her soon though." Cameron said. "But not so I can get her in bed because we do that anyways." He chuckled. "I think I do love her."

"Wow, man you're drunk!" Justin laughed.

"I haven't been drinking at all today because I have a date." Cameron rudely remarked.

"How do you know when you're in love?" I asked Cameron.

"It just kind if happens. You don't really see it coming and you stumble into it. You feel all tingly when you're with the right person and when they leave, you feel alone and empty." His voice was filled with kindness and joy. He was a different person.

Maybe love does that to you.

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