1- Leaving California

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Emma's P.O.V.

I'm staring out the window, tear streaming down my face. I'm trying to stay calm so I can function but I'm finding it hard to at the moment. I just witnessed my mother Sylvia and grandfather Tom die in our family home.

My best friend Jay, one person I trust more than anyone else in this entire world right now, sent me with one of his friends; Sam to the safe house that my mom and grandpa have set up. Before my mom died she handed me a key and told me to go under her bed and grab everything out of the safe. That everything in there would explain itself? Whatever the hell that means.

We pulled up to the safe house.

"Go inside and grab everything you need and get out, I'll keep watch outside. HURRY!" Sam explained.

Rushing inside I went straight to the bedroom, I went under the bed and pulled out the safe. The key my mom gave me before she died unlocked it and I shoved everything, including the one way ticket to New York City into a backpack.

I went into a different room to change out of my dress that I was wearing and put on a pair of skinny jeans, a sweatshirt and some sneakers. I grabbed my already packed suitcase and headed out the door.

I got back into the car with my two bags and we sped off.

"I'm dropping you off at that bridge up ahead, then you will have to make it to the airport the rest of the way on your own." Sam told me.

"That's fine." I replied, sadly.

"Make sure you do everything that you were taught and you will get to New York safely, and be careful" Sam warned.

"I got it!" I replied, getting irritated.

The car came to a stop and I got out.

"Good luck Emma."

"Bye, Sam."

I'm running through the streets of California heading to the Los Angeles international airport, scared and completely confused on how my night went from a happy one to a complete shit show. As I go over the bridge I take my phone out of my pocket and I throw it over the bridge. One thing I was always told when and if I needed to run was to get rid of the phone so you can't be tracked.

I got to the airport and headed to the counter, I handed them my ticket. It was 12:30am, and the next flight wasn't until 4:10am.

After I checked in, I went into the bathroom and cried. Memories of my mom and grandfather going through my mind. They were the best, and the only family I had. My mom was an amazing person. I always knew I could go to her for anything. We shared and talked about everything. My grandfather was equally amazing. While my mom gave me fashion, cooking and boy advice my grandfather taught me how to defend myself, to always watch for out of place things, and everything there is to know about guns. I never really understood why all this stuff was important until I got older. I assumed it was because my dad was a dangerous man and I needed to be careful. I've never met my dad. Mom never really talked about him, but when she did she was always sad about it, so I just stopped asking questions.

3:30am - I headed into the plane and took my seat. Since my bags weren't big I was able to carry them both on.

"Miss, can I get you anything to drink?" The flight attendant asked with a smile.

"Anything strong, please!"

She left, and then returned with my drink.

The plane took off. I had five hours and twenty minutes to go until I was in New York.

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