6- Cookie's

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Emma's P.O.V.

That night I woke up in the middle of the night with a nightmare. After that I tossed and turned and I couldn't fall back to sleep. 4am I decided to get up and go downstairs. I was in desperate need of some coffee. I hurried up and brushed my teeth, put my hair into a messy bun, left my leggings and L.A. sweatshirt on and headed out of my room. I started heading down the stairs towards the kitchen. For as many people in this house, it was extremely quiet right now.

It was so nice!

I headed to the coffee pot and started getting it ready when...

"Why the hell are you up so damn early, woman?"

I jumped and almost dropped the coffee pot.


My heart was racing.

"Why in the hell did you sneak up on me like that? For Christ sakes are you both trying to give me a heart attack?" I hissed at Adam and Mike.

"You were told if you left the room, we would know about it," Adam reminds me.

"And that gives you the right to sneak up on me like that? Go back to bed, I'm just sitting here making coffee and probably some breakfast for all you boys."

"We aren't allowed to leave you, so do whatever it is that you want to do, I'm going to nap at the table." Adam said walking away.

I made the coffee and handed Mike a cup since Adam was snoring at the table.

"Thanks Em." Mike said, I smiled when he called me that. All my friends back home called me that.

I took a sip of my coffee and looked in the pantry and fridge for ingredients. I decided to make an egg bake and chocolate chip cookies. I love cooking, my mom and I always used to cook together. Plus this kitchen is spectacular so I was definitely going to use it!

It was just after 5am when I put the cookies in the oven. Pulling them out I put the egg bake in.

"I'm so tired, but I can't sleep because those cookies smell freakin' delicious." Adam said coming out of his slumber.

I handed him a cup of coffee and put a plate of cookies in front of the boys.

All three of us sat, drank our coffee and ate our cookies and talked about random things. I asked them about Eric, I really wanted to get to know more about him.

I like Adam and Mike, they remind me of Jay. Jay and I have been best friends since he moved to California six years ago. We were at a party and some jerk wouldn't back off, I could have handled him but Jay came in and threw him out the door. We clicked instantly, there has never been anything but friendship there. He has always been like a big brother to me. He ended up marrying one of my friends, Hailey a few years ago. Her and I have been friends since Kindergarten. When I first met Jay, Hailey was with someone else and when that romance ended Jay's and Hailey's started and they fell in love.

Getting up I pulled the egg bakes out of the oven and looked up and saw Zane coming into the kitchen.

"You guys are up early." Zane said looking at the three of us.

Mike and Adam looked and pointed at me.

"What? I told you both to go back to bed, don't blame this on me, Plus I made you cookies."

"You both can go back to bed if you want, I can stay with Emma." Zane offered.

They didn't argue, they both got up and headed back upstairs.

"It smells amazing in here." Zane said coming closer.


I held the cookie up and he came up to me and took a bite out of the cookie while I was still holding it, all while still looking into my eyes.

Damn he's hot.

"Delicious!" he said, licking his lips.
He took the cookie out of my hand while brushing up against my fingers. There's those butterflies again.

"Would you like some of the egg bake?" I hope he couldn't hear it in my voice on how much he was affecting me.

"I would love some!" He sat down at the island as I dished some up on a plate and handed it to him, then sat down next to him.

He took a bite and moaned, "I don't know what's better, your cookies or this breakfast? You're an amazing cook!"

"Thank you, I love baking, it takes my mind off of... everything."

He looked at me, "Did you sleep alright last night?"

"No, not really." He was looking at me with questioning eyes. "I haven't really slept much since I lost my mom and grandfather and when I do sleep I have nightmares... I can't get the sounds of that man I stabbed as he was dying out of my head."

"It will get better over time, plus that man deserved what you did to him."

"Maybe, but that doesn't make it any easier. Anyways, happy thoughts... How long have you known Eric?"

He laughed. "Since the second grade, he's a good guy. You know, minus the whole Mafia Boss thing."

I laughed hard.

"He went into big brother mode after your phone call, he even told all the guys to keep their eyes and hands off of you. He's all about family, he's excited you're here so I know he will do everything to keep you safe."

I smiled at him because of what he was telling me.

He was staring at me. "You have a very beautiful smile Emma, and those eyes... I could get lost in them."

I leaned in closer to him. "Well then, it's too bad you were told you couldn't touch me."

He leaned even closer and whispered. "I've never really been one to follow rules."

Leaning in even closer, our lips started brushing up against each other's.

"What's going on here?" Eric said walking into the kitchen.

We backed away slowly from each other.

"Good morning, I made breakfast. Do you want some?" I asked as I saw Eric glaring at Zane who was now finishing up his breakfast.

"How long have you been awake? And where in the hell is Mike and Adam?" Eric said, looking around.

I started dishing up Eric a plate. "I was up pretty early, and when Zane came down he sent them upstairs and told them he would watch me so they could sleep, isn't that sweet of him? Egg bake?" I handed him the plate. I was trying to change the subject.

"Yes, please! And yes, so sweet of Zane." Again glaring at Zane. "How long have you been up?"

"Since 4."

He looked back at me, "Why? Is the room not okay?"

"The room was fine, I'm just... I don't know, I just couldn't sleep."

"We'll be having some company today. Our father's parents, our uncle along with his wife are coming. They should be here around 3:00 this afternoon. They are all very excited to see you again. Oh and Tessa, which is Luke's wife, will be here around 1:00 to bring everything she bought for you, apparently there is a lot of stuff." He said, shaking his head and slightly laughing.

"That's very nice of you. Thank you. I better get upstairs and try and get a few hours of sleep and shower before the company arrives. I'll be down around 1:00. Am I able to walk to my room myself?"

"Yes, I'll let Adam and Mike know that's where you are again."

"I'll see you later boys." With that I walked out of the kitchen.

Later today I'll get some answers...

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