24- FBI

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Emma's P.O.V.

Yesterday I made the phone call to Eric, I'm still sitting here at 4pm, waiting. I thought they would have come by now. Maybe my call didn't work and I totally fucked up.


"Get dressed, dad wants to have dinner with us to discuss everything." Jake said, handing me a dress.

"I'm telling you right now, I don't like him."

He rolled his eyes at me, "Just get dressed, babe."

I really didn't want to go, Jake was acting weird again, like when we were dating

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I really didn't want to go, Jake was acting weird again, like when we were dating.
I was nauseous and my family wasn't here. I just wanted Zane holding me and enjoying this pregnancy with him.

Jake took my hand and we went down the long hallway.

This place is so creepy.

We entered the dining room and headed for the table where James was already sitting at the head of the table. Jake sat me down on the one side of his father, then sat across from me on the other side of his father.
There were just a few of James's men standing in the room.

"Welcome." I just sat there and didn't respond.

James threw his fist on the table and scared me as I jumped. "I said, Welcome." He repeated himself in an angry tone.


The cooks brought out the food and James and Jake we're talking about business stuff. I ate a little, I wasn't extremely hungry but I knew the baby needed something and I didn't want to piss James off anymore.

They started talking more to me as we finished our meal. Jake talked about our relationship in California and when James would ask me questions, I would answer with as short of responses as possible.

There was this one girl who kept eyeing Jake, Jake gave her a glare and then looked at me to make sure I didn't see. Oh I did.

She came up, put her hands on his shoulder, bent over and whispered in his ear, "How about another encore of yesterday?"

"NO, get the fuck away from me." He said, through clenched teeth and pushed her back as she fell to the floor.

"Asshole!" She said, as she got up and ran out of the room.

I just looked at him. I didn't care, really. I would have if we were still together. He's sitting here telling me how in love he is with me, and as far as he knows I'm actually going to marry him. I actually felt bad for him. What a bastard.

"Baby, listen..."

"I don't want to hear it. I hope she was worth it because now, I hate you just as much as your father."

His father was chuckling, "Ahhhh isn't love wonderful?"

I looked at James. "Screw you."

"I would gladly screw you sweetheart, but Cole here would hate me. We can't have that, now can we?"

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