17-Emma slept in?

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Eric's P.O.V.

7 a.m.

I walked in the kitchen, only a few people were already up and eating. I said good morning to them and went over and started the coffee pot. I took some cereal out of the pantry and poured a bowl, grabbed my coffee and went and sat down at the table when more of the guys started to show up.

"Where's Emma?" Alex asked, "I was looking forward to her breakfast."

I had a feeling I knew where Emma was and since I didn't see Zane yet, I would assume I was correct. I'm going to try not thinking about what happened last night.

I had finished up my breakfast and was going over some stuff when Jason, Hailey,
And Uncle Ryan showed up.

It was 8:00am when Adam and Mike came down. They got their breakfast and sat down at the table.

Alex turned to them, "Did Emma actually sleep in this morning?"

They stopped for a second but didn't look at me.

"Yeah, I guess she must have." Adam replied with a slight smirk.

"That's so weird, because she hasn't been sleeping in at all. I guess last night must have tired her out."

Adam and Mike just kept smiling and nodded their heads, "Yep."

Hailey was catching on, she was looking around the room. "Where's Zane at?"

"Yeah, he normally beats me down... here... You don't think they're together do you?" Alex asked Hailey.

"If I know Emma, and by the looks your boy Zane has been giving her, I would definitely say they're together."

"Adam, Mike you haven't heard anything from Emma?" Alex questioned.

Their eyes widened, "Nope."

Alex turned toward me, "Eric, you're looking awfully calm for this to be a possibility." He said, with a grin.

"Why shouldn't I be? Zane asked permission to date Emma last night and I gave it to him."

"So you know?" Both Adam and Mike asked, letting out a sign of relief.

"Yes, I would assume they are together since after I told Zane he could date her he took off like a maniac towards her bedroom."

"Awwwww, Jay isn't that sweet? Her overly protective brother, "No one can touch my sister," is letting the love birds be together." Hailey cooed.

"I don't sound like that." I replied annoyed.

Jason laughed, "Well I'm guessing we won't be seeing them for a while. So are we going to look at the flash drive today?"

Emma's P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up to see I was still in Zane's arms. Last night was wonderful, I am seriously falling for this man. He makes me feel things I have never felt for anyone else.

I turned over and as I was doing that Zane followed throwing his other arm over my body pulling me into him. I looked at the clock. "Holy shit." I whispered.

"What's the matter?" He mumbled in a sleepy voice.

"It's 10:30."


"I haven't slept past 4:00 since I got to New York." I turned back towards Zane and kissed him, "Apparently I just needed you this whole time."

"Trust me, if I knew your brother wouldn't have killed me, I would have been with you the first day you came into town." He kissed me again.

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