3-Meeting each other

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Eric's P.O.V.

I called all my men into the living room this morning. My tech guy Luke had all his gear set up and ready to go.

"What's going on boss?" One of my men asked.

"I called everyone here, because we have an important meeting today."

I put Emma's photo up on the big screen Luke had set up for me. Again with the groans and words about how hot she was. I was not in the mood for this.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" I yelled. "This is Emma, my SISTER!"

Everyone went silent and stared at me in shock.

"I obviously don't know anything about her, but talking with my grandfather last night he confirmed this is indeed her. We are meeting her at the Cafe at 9am. I want Liam, Dan and Cody at the corners watching and following her to the Cafe. If anyone besides this woman in the photo comes in saying she's Emma, we will take her out the back door into the alleyway quietly and take her to our warehouse where we will question her there. If this is Emma, I don't want to scare her away. My goal is getting her back here safely."

I continued with the plan I had. Alex would be at the door; Zane would be in the back room waiting. Myself, Joe, Matt, and two of my other men would be sitting in the cafe, before we headed to the back room. Luke would be listening in with his gear and my other men would be at the house awaiting instructions.

"Any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads no.

"I'm going to stress this one time, and ONE TIME ONLY. Everyone is to keep their hands off my sister, GOT IT?"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

With that, we headed out the door.

Emma's P.O.V.

My night was horrible. I couldn't get images of what happened the night before out of my head. I was also thinking about my mom and grandfather. I hate liars and cheaters, and right now the two people I have trusted the most, lied to me about my whole life. I am so mad at both of them. There were obviously reasons why they did what they did, but on the other hand I missed them so much.

I got out of the shower, I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I only had a few outfits to choose from since I had packed lightly.

I packed up my things and headed out the door. I gave the Taxi driver the address to a gym that I googled last night, it was a few blocks away from the Cafe. After he dropped me off I went into the gym and bought a one day membership. I took my two bags and stored them in the lockers to make sure it was safe until I decided I was in good hands with my so-called brother. If not then he wouldn't get anything that was in the one bag.

I headed back out and started making my way towards the Cafe. Last night when I googled the gym, I also googled this cafe. I saw that The Russo Family had owned it.

It was such a nice day out, I took a deep breath and enjoyed the sun hitting my face. It was 8:50am.

As I got closer to the Cafe I noticed a well dressed man staring on and off at me. I stopped and eyed him back. We stared at each other for a few moments before he turned around. I noticed a few other dressed like the first guy.

I wouldn't be surprised if they were together.

I turned around and saw the first guy was talking into his sleeve.

Hmmm, I knew something was up with him.

One thing my mom and grandfather taught me was to always be aware of my surroundings. A good life skill to have but also a very annoying one. Like when I'm sitting in a bar with my girls and every guy seems like a creep, but they're actually just into you. It's made me paranoid but right now, I'm liking how I can spot certain things.

Liam's P.O.V (Eric's guy outside watching for Emma)

That's definitely Emma, God she's beautiful. She sat there and just stared into my eyes,
she knew what was going on. I didn't want to spook her so I turned away. She continued to walk towards the Cafe and I got on my radio.

"Boss, I just spotted Emma. She's definitely the girl in that photo. She noticed me, but she's still heading your way."

"Good, just back off until she's inside." Eric told me.

"You got it."

Emma's P.O.V.

Again with a different well dressed man by the door. As I approached he gave me a cocky but sexy smile. He seemed like an arrogant thing.

"Emma, Eric's inside waiting for you. I'm afraid I'll have to check you for weapons inside though." He informed me.

As we stepped through the door, he guided me around the corner so we were out of sight. I put my hand in the air as he started patting me down. He started on top and slowly worked his way down, all while having a shit ass grin on his face.

He must love his job, he's lucky I don't have my dagger because I would wipe that smirk right off his face.

I want to punch him in his freakin' throat.

He didn't even realize I lifted his wallet. One of my many talents. What an idiot.

"You're all set, you can go in." He pointed the way with a smirk.

"Asshole." I spat out, rolling my eyes as he continued to smirk.

Walking down the little walkway, a taller man standing at the corner smiled at me and pointed me in a different direction. The cafe had a few people in it, not many. As I looked towards the direction he was pointing I spotted him. It was Eric, it had to be him. He had the same color hair as me, same complexion and as I got closer my heart began to speed up. Those eyes.... he had my brown eyes. I could see our mother in him.

"Eric?" I held out my hand wanting to shake his hand.

"Emma." He grabbed my hand, pulling me into a warm hug.

In that moment I did everything in my power not to cry. I can't believe our parents did this to us. So many unanswered questions that I was determined to get answers to. As we pulled away I wiped away the one tear that slipped out, and stared in his eyes.

"It's nice to meet you Eric."

"It's very nice to meet you too Emma, I just wished it was sooner."

I couldn't agree with him more. I nodded in agreement.

"Why don't we go to that back room so we have more privacy, sound good?" Eric asked.

All of my red flags were going off, but looking into his eyes and that warm hug he gave me, something told me I could trust him. If he did kill me, well; then that would really suck, and I guess I shouldn't have listened to my gut.

I nodded my head yes. He put his hand on my back and led me to the back room. The man standing next to Eric when I walked up, the dip shit at the front door and the guy that pointed me towards Eric all followed us into the back room.

As we entered I looked up and there stood a man. A gorgeous man, my heart was pounding out of my chest and I had butterflies in my stomach. He was a God and he was looking at me with the same lustful eyes I gazed at him with.

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