16-Zane and Emma💕

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Zane's P.O.V

When I heard what that asshole was saying to her, I wanted to wring his neck. I was ready to go break him away from her but the boys and Eric kept stopping me from going over there. When she left we all heard her talking through the ear pieces in the car as they were leaving.

"That guy was a complete douchebag, ah, does anyone have any disinfectant wipes? I mean seriously if you're not happy in the marriage get out, don't cheat. Frickin' pig! Oh my God, the nerve of that guy!"

It made me happy to hear her talking like that because the way she was flirting back made me think she was into him, I was going crazy with jealousy.

After that her earpiece cut out so I couldn't hear anymore.

In the car Jason was laughing about what Emma had done. He didn't seem phased that she exposed him to his wife, and frankly I didn't either. His wife is a bitch and absolutely gross human being but she probably should know what he does when she isn't around.

Now I'm here watching Emma walk up to her room to go to bed.

"Eric, can I talk to you?"

He looked at me, "Whatever could this be about?" He was being sarcastic but I wasn't about to piss him off so I let it slide.

We walked into his office. Eric sat behind the desk, and I sat in the chair in front of the desk.

This is going to be a lot harder than I thought...

"Eric, I really like Emma. I know you told everyone to stay away but I can't anymore, and I think she likes me too. I have no intention of hurting her. Ever since the night at the bar I have this pull towards her. I want your permission to ask her out and just see where it goes from there?"

"She likes you too."


"She likes you too! She told me after I walked in on the two of you in the gym. Emma also told me that whether or not you and her were together she would want to stay in New York with her family."

I had a big smile on my face, she was staying.

"Really?" I felt like such a teenager falling for a girl for the first time.

"I mean for fuck sakes Zane, everyone can see the way the two of you look at each other, it's not exactly a secret around here."

He paused.

"You really want to ask her out on a date and have an actual relationship with her?"

"Yes, if she wants to also." I assured him.

"Don't break her heart."

He tried sounding scary, which I'm sure he would kill me if I hurt her, but I wasn't about to do that. I really did care for Emma. Hell it was probably love.

"Thank you." I said, rushing out the door.

I rushed up to her bedroom, Everyone must have gone to bed because he was quiet in the house. I got to Emma's room and knocked on her door.

Emma's P.O.V.

I just showered and washed the kisses off my face that Marcus had left. I was just finishing up brushing my teeth when I thought I heard a knock at the door. I was in my bra and panties, so I put my robe on and opened the door and smiled.


He came up to me slowly, putting his hands on both sides of my face. He smashed his lips against mine as I happily kissed him back with a smile. My hands went around his neck and I started running my hands through the back of his hair. He moaned into my mouth as he ran his hand down my body, grabbing my ass as he lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked forward and kicked the door shut behind him. Memories of the bar flooded my mind with excitement. He leaned me up against the wall as we continued to kiss. I was wet for him, I wanted and needed him so badly.

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