23- Wait...What?

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Zane's P.O.V.


"Zane, calm down man we'll find her." Alex said.

We were in a mad rush to the gas station the guys stopped at with Emma. I was freaking out. We pulled in and I immediately started towards Ben.

I grabbed him by his collar, "HOW COULD YOU LET HER OUT OF YOUR SIGHT?"

I then punched him in his face and he fell to the floor.

"Zane, that's enough, you're causing a scene." Eric said, pulling me back.


"I said, calm down! We need to think rationally right now to make sure we get her back, your little outburst isn't helping anything."

I didn't say anything, I was trying to calm down but was finding it hard to.

"What happened here Ben?" Eric asked.

"I was putting gas in the car, I had men scatter around scoping out the place. Liam and Derik went in with her. When they didn't come out, we went in and found them passed out on the floor with darts in their necks."

I turned to Liam and Derik, they have always been trustworthy.

"She went into the bathroom we were on watch and then all of a sudden I felt a prick in my neck and everything went black." Liam explained.

"I did get a look at the guy before I passed out Zane. It was Emma's Ex, Jake." Derik told me.

"Go get the footage off these cameras and get it to Luke so he can look through all of it when we get back to the house!" I ordered.

We all jumped into the SUV and headed for home. I'm coming for you Emma.

Emma's P.O.V.

My neck was killing me. I tried picking my arms up to rub my neck but I couldn't, my hands were tied to the chair I was sitting on.
I lifted my neck up and stretched it as best as I could. I opened my eyes and noticed I was in a large room with nothing in it except for the chair I was sitting on.


The door opened and in walked a bunch of men I didn't recognize, and some I recognized from the SUV Jake put me in when he kidnapped me. They made it around the room surrounding me, they stood with their hands behind their backs.

I was terrified but I wouldn't let them see that. Then in walked Jake, with an older man I recognized from the bar that night out with Jake, and the picture I was shown. James Harrison.

"Sweet Emma, you're awake." James smiled.

I didn't say a word, I just glared back at him.

"A quiet one? We all know that's not true. My son here tells me you're quite the sassy one." He said, pointing at Jake.


"Ohhhhh yes. Let me introduce myself, since we haven't had a proper introduction. My name is James Harrison and this guy..." he patted Jake on the back, "this is my son, Cole Harrison."

What the actual hell is this bullshit?

"You look confused sweetheart, here let me explain. While your piece of shit family decided to completely screw me over, I took matters into my own hands. See, I always knew your father was a sneaky one and I always had a feeling you, Sylvia and your grandparents never really died in that car accident. I was right, it took me almost nineteen years to find you. That's where my son comes in. Everything was going fine and on track until you decided to break Coles heart."

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