4-What happened that night?

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Emma's P.O.V

This mystery man was still eyeing me up. He started with my eyes and traveled down my body. Oh my God what was he doing to me. I had shivers.

"Please, have a seat. When did you get into town?" Eric asked, pulling out a chair for me at the table in the room. Eric took the seat directly in front of me.

I was still watching the man when he gave me a smirk and winked at me. I instantly smiled back at him and let out a little giggle.

Eric immediately followed my gaze, turned and glared at the man. The man's smile faded and he was back to being serious.

Now would probably be a good time to answer Eric's question so this man doesn't get his face bashed in.

"I got into town around 10:00 yesterday morning."

Eric turned and looked back at me, "Yet it took you until 8:00 last night to call me?"

"Well to be honest with you, I didn't technically know about you until a few hours later. I was in my hotel room going though the cluster fuck of a puzzle my... excuse me, our mother left for me. After I started putting the pieces together, I started drinking... A LOT, to work up enough courage to actually call the number that was on the phone she gave me." I paused for a moment. "I take it you also didn't know about me?"

"I didn't. After I got off the phone with you I called my grandfather and he confirmed you actually did exist. Then he sent me this photo of you," He said, sliding his phone my way.

I stared at the photo in front of me.

"Where did he get this?" I whispered.

"I'm not sure. He's on his way home with our grandmother and he said they would answer all of our questions. He also said that if it really was you, you're in great danger."

I looked at him, feeling overwhelmed and nodded my head yes. I didn't know what to say at this point.

"I need to know exactly what happened that night, every detail is extremely important. Will you be able to talk about it?" Eric asked.

I nodded my head, "Yes, but... I have a question for you first and then I'll tell you everything, if that's okay? I hope I'm not overstepping but I need answers."

He gave me a reassuring nod.

"What are you guys?" There was a pause as he looked into my eyes contemplating if he should say anything. I continued. "Are you guys a gang?" Another pause. "Mafia?"

All he did was nod his head yes.

Good enough answer for me. No it isn't what I wanted to hear, but at this point, my life was starting to make more sense.

"Every week, it doesn't really matter on the day we just pick a night and," I started in on everything that led up to the worst night of my life and I heard Eric start to laugh.

"I'm sorry, is something funny?" I asked him, annoyed and kinda pissed off.

"I'm so sorry, that was extremely rude." He was still laughing a little. He sat back in his chair, "You're not what I expected Emma, not at all. I tell you we're Mafia and you start with your story like it's no big deal. Please, accept my apologies and continue... Please."

I looked at him and could see he was sorry.

"As I was saying... Every week my mom, grandfather and I get together for dinner at a restaurant ever since I moved out of the house. A few nights ago, Tuesday, was the night we chose. Everything was fine, we were sitting there eating, having a good time and then all of a sudden my grandfather got quiet. He started looking around the room and told us we needed to leave immediately. My mom grabbed my hand and she told me to leave my car and I was going with them."

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