5-My new home

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Emma's P.O.V.

"Let's go home, Emma." Eric said, as he got up from his chair. He reached for my hand and I took it. I linked my arm through his as we walked out of the back room of the Cafe. I don't know why, but I felt completely safe being with Eric and the other guys.

As we walked towards the door I looked over to Eric, "We need to go to the gym down the road."

A voice behind me decided to speak, "We have a nice gym at home to help keep that body of yours nice and tight."

This Alex guy really wants to get punched in his throat. My arm was still linked through Eric's when I turned towards Alex.

"Listen here asshole, I don't know what your problem is, but if you don't watch your mouth I'm going to fuc..."

Eric cut in before I can finish, "Okay, stop," as he laughed hard. "Alex watch your mouth, stop talking to her like that or next time I'll let Emma finish this. And Emma, Alex is right we have a home gym you can use."

"I'm not going to the gym to work out, I left a few bags there before I met with you."

"Emma, you have been seen with us. It's no longer safe for you to just go out."

I just looked at him because there was no way I'm leaving that stuff behind.

"Listen, I'll just sneak out really quick. I'll go in, grab my bags and then meet you outside. Then I'll never have to go out again."

"I'm sorry, No!"

"Eric you're being ridiculous, It will literally take three minutes."

He stood there for a second before responding.

"If I let you go grab those bags, you have to promise me from here on out you will listen and do everything I say, no questions asked. Promise me Emma!"

"I promise." I got on my tippy toes and kissed Eric on his cheek. I then looked back at Alex and glared at him.

"You're so feisty!" Alex said with his arrogant smirk.

We got into Eric's big SUV. Eric started introducing me to his friends.

"This is Zane, my second in command." So that's the gorgeous man's name.

"Then we have Matt who's driving, Joe and of course you already know Alex." Eric said with a big smile on his face.

They all nodded my way.

"Hello." I responded back.

Pulling up to the gym Eric gave me strict instructions. Get in and get out.

He sent Zane and Joe with me in case there was trouble. Walking through the gym I noticed a hand on my back. I didn't need to look back to know it was Zane's. The feelings I get around him are unlike anything I've ever felt. A few guys were eyeing me up and all Joe and Zane did was glare at them to get them to go about their workout. I got my bags out quickly and we left. We got back in the SUV, Matt took off again.

It was about a thirty minute ride back to Eric's house. It was pretty quiet, few questions here and there and some flirty glances between Zane and I.

We pulled up to a gate and the doors opened.

"This is your home?" I asked, looking on in amazement.

"Our home!" Eric replied with a smile.


Matt parked the car and we all got out. Eric pulled me aside as the others walked into the house.

"I'm assigning you two bodyguards even in the house."

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