12- I choose Alex!

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Emma's P.O.V.

2 months later...

I've been here for two months now, I'm back to talking to Jay and Hailey again. Since they haven't been staying in Eric's house I don't see Hailey much and Jay is usually with Eric most of the day.

I've been hanging out with Tessa a lot. She comes over on days she doesn't work and keeps me busy since I can't leave the house.
I've also gotten a lot closer with Eric and the rest of my family, including Eric's men. Zane and I are still doing our flirty stuff a lot, but nothing had developed more than that. He comes up and talks to me any chance he gets and I love that. Not only is he beyond sexy, he's funny and always making me laugh.

Poor Adam and Mike are wonderful. I'm still not sleeping well at night but they're still rotating getting up with me while I make everyone breakfast.

Everyday my grandparents will come over and Grandma and I will make supper together for everyone in the house. I'm enjoying my family, I just wished I wasn't cooped up twenty four seven. I haven't complained once though, I'm so grateful for my family and what they're doing for me.

Right now, I'm playing cards with Adam and Mike in the kitchen. Eric and the boys just got home from what I'm assuming is business related. I don't know, and I don't ask. They walked into the house and came towards the table where we're sitting down playing.

"Hey, go get changed into workout clothes, I want to see you fight." Eric said with a smirk.


"Jason keeps talking about how you can kick ass, I want to see. We should keep you working on it anyways."

"Alright." I looked down at his shirt and questioned, "Is that blood on your shirt?"

"Yes." He said with a blank expression.

"Eww... I'll be right back."

I went up and changed and put my hair in a messy bun. Then headed back downstairs.

I saw the boys in their workout clothes and Jay was here now

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I saw the boys in their workout clothes and Jay was here now. I ran up and jumped on his back.

"Hey doofus."

"Sup, bestieeeee, ready to kick these guys asses?"

"Absolutely." Jay carried me on his back all the way downstairs to the gym.

I jumped off his back and we headed to the mat.

Everyone started sitting down on the benches surrounding the mat and Eric grabbed my arm softly and brought me to the center of the mat.

"So, since you already know all of Jason's moves, I think it would be a good idea to start with an opponent you haven't worked out with yet, you can choose any of my men to spar against."

I got a big grin on my face, "Anyone?" I said in an evil tone.

"Yes, anyone but me. I'll be watching how you do."

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