27-The End

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40weeks +4 days

Zane and I are still living with Eric

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Zane and I are still living with Eric. Eric had Alex move down to Zane's old room so we could make Alex's room into a nursery since he was right next to me and added an adjoining door. Zane wanted us to stay at the house in case he was out with Eric and I went into labor. I didn't object, I loved this house and the family here.

"Babe? Are you okay?" Zane asked, as we sat on the bed while Zane finished getting ready.

"Yes, I'm just tired."

"I promise it won't take long today, and I'll be back here with you. Maybe we can go swimming when I get back?"

"That sounds relaxing." I said, kissing him.

He helped me off the bed and we walked downstairs.

As we entered, all the guys helped me to the table.

"Thank you guys."

Eric came up and gave me a kiss. "How ya feeling, sis?"

"Like I'm ready to pop... BUT the baby won't come." I threw my head back in frustration.

"Awwww, the baby will come when it's ready." Alex said rubbing my stomach.

My head snapped towards him, "You're so lucky I can't move right now, or I'd smack you."

"What? I'm trying to be supportive." Alex said, defensive.

"God, I'm so sorry. I know, I'm just... I'm just done and want to meet him or her and it's past 40 weeks. Baby is supposed to be here by now, right? Why isn't the baby coming Alex?"

"Have you tried all the home stuff to induce labor?" Alex questioned.

"YES.... Everything! Zane and I exercised last night, then we went for a walk. We ate spicy food for dinner and we had lots and lots of sex. NOTHING is working."

"Ahhhh sis." Eric said, plugging his ears as the guys started laughing.

I smacked his hands away from his ears.

"How do you think we got into this mess in the first place, Eric?"

"I don't need to hear about it though."

"Well, I didn't give you details." I snapped back. God, I'm so pissy.

I got up and walked to the fridge. I grabbed the bread, pickles, cottage cheese and ice cream.

I walked back to the table.

Zane helped me sit down again. "Eric and I are going to leave, Alex has something he has to finish up here, and your shadows will be with you also. Will you be okay for a little bit, love?"

"Yes." I said shoving a spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream in my mouth.

He gave me a kiss and they all headed out.

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