11- The Duct tape box

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Emma's P.O.V.

After our talk I was exhausted and just wanted to go to bed. I didn't eat anything that night. Once I went up to my room I was able to fall asleep rather quickly but here I am again laying in bed at 4 am again not being able to sleep.

I got up and showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed for the day.

I got up and showered, brushed my teeth and got dressed for the day

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I was quietly walking down the hall when Adam's door opened.

"You're lucky I like you woman." He said in a sleepy voice.

"I'm sorry! I couldn't sleep, and I'm hungry. I took my time though in the shower and getting ready, It's almost 5."

He just growled as we walked into the kitchen.

"Where's Mike?"

"We decided since you wake up so freaking early we will take turns."

"Again, I'm sorry. I'm hoping now that I'm more relaxed after finding out more information about my family, I'll be able to sleep better. I'll make it up to you though, what would you like for breakfast?"

He looked over and smiled at me. "Cookies?"

I started laughing. "I can do that."

I started a pot of coffee then started getting all the ingredients ready for the cookies. Once they were on the cookie sheets I put them in the oven. I went to the fridge and got stuff to make pancakes and bacon.

"Do you want any pancakes while we wait for the cookies?"

"Yes, please."

I poured two cups of coffee and handed Adam one.

I made a big batch of pancake batter so I can make everybody some when they wake up.

Once our pancakes and bacon were done I put them on a plate along with a few cookies from my first batch and brought it to Adam and sat down next to him at the island.

We ate in silence.

I had just taken the last of the cookies out of the oven when the guys started rolling in.

"Hey boys, want some pancakes?"

"YES." Everyone shouted.

I started making the pancakes and finished up on the bacon when my grandparents, Ryan and Dana came in.

"What the hell is that wonderful smell?" Uncle Ryan sniffed the air, "bacon and... cookies?"

"You want some?" I asked with a smile.

He came over and kissed my cheek. "Did I ever tell you that you're my favorite niece?"

"I'm your only niece, but I'll take it." We both laughed.

I started making the food and everyone chowed down.

"This is delicious dear, you like cooking?" Grandma asked.

"Yes, I love it actually."

"I'm normally the one that cooks and cleans when we're here, so this has been wonderful."

"I'm here now and I enjoy it, plus it will give me something to do when I'm here and cooped up."

Eric came over and kissed my cheek, "Thank you, this was delicious. You don't have to cook everyday though. Just so you know, well maybe just your cookies." He teased.

A few of the guys came over as they were going to get ready for the day and kissed the top of my head and thanked me as they walked out.

Zane came up also and put his hand on my side and kissed my cheek. His kiss gave me butterflies. He lingered a few moments longer than everyone else and whispered in my ear, "Thank you, my love." I had chills, I bit my lip as he walked away.

I looked up and Ryan was smiling at me.

I got up and started helping Grandma and Dana clean up before they left. Ryan and Dana along with Jay and Hailey will be staying with them until this mess is over. The guys thought bigger groups together would be better right now.

I was currently in the living room reading a magazine that Tessa had brought with my stash of clothes when Luke came in.

"Hey Emma, Tessa wanted me to give this to you." He handed me a box that was duct tape shut and an envelope.

"Thank you so much, Luke."

"No problem sweetheart." He walked towards his office.

I opened the card and started reading it.

Hey Emma,
I got the rest of your stuff that you needed PLUS that extra thing I had mentioned yesterday. I want deets ;)
I bought it for you since I wasn't sure if Eric would appreciate him buying sexy fun time stuff for you ;) Enjoy dear
See you soon
XO Tessa

This girl is going to get me in so much trouble with my brother. I was giggling to myself when Eric, Zane and Alex walked in.

"What's so funny?" Eric asked as I jumped.

"Ahhhh, you scared me." I threw a pillow at him, and everyone started laughing.

"Nothing really, Tessa's just funny. She got the rest of my stuff and wrote me a little note."

"What's in the box?" Alex pressed.

"I already told you, it's none of your business."

He grabbed the box from me so I got up fast and stomped on his toe.

"What the hell woman?"

"Eric, do you want Alex looking at my underwear?"

He snapped his head over to Alex and said, "NO."

"That's what I thought, give me the damn  box." I hissed.

I sat back in my spot and hid the note in my bra. Eric sat on the coffee table in front of me.

"I'm not even going to ask why that box is duct tape shut." Eric continued, while I tried not to smile at his comment.

"The boys and I are going out for the rest of the day. We should be home by 6pm. Mike and Adam will be here with you along with other guys patrolling around the grounds. Will you be okay?"

"Yes, just... Be careful okay."


Everyone said goodbye and left. They were dressed up instead of being in their casual outfits they all had been wearing. Must be some kind of business stuff.

I told Mike and Adam I was going upstairs to check out the rest of my stuff from Tessa.
When I opened the box I was surprised, a box of condoms and the lingerie was actually cute and not raunchy like I pictured her to buy. I can't wait to wear it for Zane.

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