2- It's true?

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Eric's P.O.V.

Hanging up the phone with this woman claiming to be my twin sister, was seriously not something I was expecting tonight.

I'm sure I looked absolutely dumbfounded because my friends started asking me questions.

I sent my tech guy Luke a quick text message telling him to trace the number that Emma had called me from. To which he replied back right away with a text; 'you got it boss.'

"Who the hell was that, and why do you look like you're going to throw up?" Zane asked me curiously.

I laughed as I replied, "That was a lady named Emma, claiming she's my twin sister?"

Zane, Matt, Joe and Alex all looked at me like I was crazy, and just as confused as I was. These guys are my best friends; Zane and I have been friends since second grade. The other guys moved into the area around fourth and fifth grade. We were a bunch of hell raisers growing up, and very popular with the ladies. As I grew up and Dad started conditioning me into my new role I would eventually take on as Boss, I knew these guys would be perfect by my side. There was no one I trusted more.

"But you don't have a sister?" Alex pointed out, confused.

"I know that, you idiot!" I snapped back.

"What are you going to do?" Matt asked.

"We are meeting her tomorrow, but first I need to call my grandfather and see what the hell he has to say about all of this."

My grandparents are currently in Paris on vacation, it's around 2am there now, but I don't care. This is an emergency.

I called my grandfather, as it rang I couldn't get Emma's voice out of my head. She seemed so nervous, scared and tired. If she is indeed my sister, I will do anything to protect her. Why would my father keep this secret, and why wasn't she here with us?

"Boy, I swear to God this better be good... Do you have any idea what time it is?" My grandfather asked in a sleepy voice.

"Yes, I'm sorry but this couldn't wait." I sighed.

"Well, what is it?" He asked, sounding annoyed.

"I just hung up with a woman named Emma Johnson, who's claiming she's my twin sister, and that-"

"Wait.... Emma called you, tonight?" He responded, sounding much more awake.

"Yes, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" I was starting to get mad.

"Don't raise your voice at me! Where is Emma now?"

"She said she was in New York, I tried getting her to meet me tonight but she wouldn't."

"She's a very smart girl. I've been in contact with her grandfather Tom throughout the years, just to keep in touch and-"

"Wait, you're telling me that what she is claiming is true?"

He sighed, "Yes. Your grandmother and I will explain everything when we come back home. We will head out first thing in the morning., Eric, you must know that if this is truly our Emma, she is in great danger!"

"Great, and I don't even know where she is."

My phone pinged at that moment with a text from Luke, informing me that the phone Emma had used was a burner and it's been shut off. He got a general location but nothing that could lead us to her. I relayed that to my grandfather.

"Like I said, she's smart and she is trying to stay hidden. I will send you a recent picture I have of her. Bring her back to your house and keep her safe. I'll see you in a few days."

We hung up and I ran my hands over my face.

A few moments later my phone went off with a text message and a photo of Emma from my grandfather.

"This is our Emma, this photo was taken last week. Keep her safe, Eric!"

I stared at the photo in front of me. I couldn't believe I had a sister; a twin sister at that. It was a close up of her; she was sitting at a table at what I'm guessing is an outside restaurant smiling at something.

I made the mistake of showing the guys. All I heard was a bunch of comments that pissed me off like; 'Damn boss she's hot',
'How the hell is that sexy woman your twin? And 'Fuckkkkkkk.'

"Ok, seriously that's enough. What the hell is wrong with you? Every single one of you will keep your eyes and hands OFF. Have I made myself clear?"

All I heard was them muttering a bunch of Okays.

We all went to bed, or I tried to anyway. I tossed and turned, but all I kept thinking about was Emma and why my father didn't tell me about her. Why was she a secret and why did our parents separate us?

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