CHAPTER-2(big black wolf)

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Alexandria's P.O.V:

"You killed her".

"You are a murderer".

I woke up breathing heavily. It's a nightmare. It happened a few months ago. But it feels like it was yesterday. I looked around to make sure.

I looked over my nightstand. It was four in the morning.


I took out my diary which I hid under my bed. I opened it. On the first page, there was a drawing of my mother which I drew. She was so beautiful. This diary was given to me by her. I can remember that day clearly.

"Alley sweety, I got you a gift," my mother said. She smiled at my excited face. She sat beside me on my bed.

"What is it, mama?" I asked with a huge smile on my face. I love gifts.

She handed me the gift "see for yourself ".

It's a book with a brown cover with some design. It's a diary.

I said "I don't need it, mommy, I have you and I'm not alone, alone people write diaries" gesturing to the diary.

She signed before saying "I know, but you are going to be a big girl and I don't want my Alley to be dependent on others, am I right?"

I was determined, I nodded eagerly. I like the way she calls me 'her Alley' and the way she calls me a big girl.

"I love you mommy" I hugged her.

"I love you too honey" she kissed my forehead.

I miss you, a lot mom. I love you. A tear slipped from my eyes. I took a deep breath to hold myself.

I needed a cold shower. I find cold showers oddly relaxing. I can feel my body relaxing. After a long shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and pulled on a hoodie and skinny jeans. I quickly dried my hair. It's 5:00 now. I still got a lot of time left. I brushed my hair and applied some mascara and some concealer under my eyes.

I took out a piece of paper and stuck it to the door so Veronica can see it. It says I'm going for a walk and will be back by 7:00.

I slipped my phone into my pocket and made my way down. I wore my converse and went behind the house. Our house directly leads to the woods. I started to walk to my usual spot.

I sat on one of the lower branches of the tree. Every time you close your eyes and concentrate, you can hear all the birds chirping, the wind blowing, the rustling of dry leaves. It's very peaceful.

Wait...rustling? That means someone is here!

I got down of the tree or should I say fell on my butt. I turned towards the sound.

I froze. My heart skipped a beat. A WOLF. A huge black wolf. It's so huge. Suddenly I was tackled by it.

I felt SPARKS. Sparks wherever it touched me. What the hell is happening?

I looked at him, into his eyes. He had amazing blue eyes in which you can get lost. Suddenly I came back to my senses.


Fear building in me. The way he looked at me, I was scared shitless. Who wouldn't? It's a wolf, that too huge one. Even though I love them, they are wild beasts. I can feel my tears. Suddenly it licked my tears. I quickly opened my eyes wide. I can see a huge branch where I stood before.


What the hell!?!?!?

Confused I looked back into his eyes. He started sniffing and licking me.

Oh shit! He is sniffing me. Please don't eat me. I'm not tasty. I silently prayed. As if God heard my prayers he got off of me, allowing me to sit. He sat down next to me, resting his head on my right thigh. There it was again those amazing sparks.

Oh my God, did I go mental?

I knew it, I shouldn't have trusted my therapist. She must have given me the wrong medicine to make me go crazy. Am I seeing things??

I hesitantly put my hand on his head. He leaned to my touch. Ignoring those sparks I started to rub his head. He purred and curled beside me.

I know I should be scared but his eyes and his presence is calming and his behavior says otherwise. I feel safe. The same feeling which I have never felt since then.

I feel drowsy. Black dots appearing. Soon I drifted off to sleep.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I woke up to the vibration in my pocket. Oh! it's my phone. Veronica is calling. I answered it only to get yelled at by Veronica.


"I'm fine, nothing happened, on my way," I say calmly.

"It's 7:30 and your school starts at 8:30, so get your ass right now" she scolded.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming " I chuckled as I cut the call.

Damn, I had a good sleep. I haven't had a good sleep in months, I keep getting those nightmares.

Hold on a sec, I saw a wolf, a freaking wolf. Where did it go? was a dream. Damn, since when did I start dreaming about wolves.

I quickly got up, brushing all the dead leaves and dust off of me. I considered it a dream and got back to the house.

I went straight to Veronica and asked her "are there any wolves in the forest?"

She thinks for some time shrugged "not that I know, why?"

I shrugged not wanting to tell her "just curious ".

She excitedly clapped her hands and said "I made something, I don't know what it is, I just put random stuff and all, but in the end, it turned out delicious ".

I quickly tasted and gave her thumbs up, to which she glowed like a Christmas tree.

But I couldn't stop thinking about those particular blue eyes. That black wolf, him saving me, that dream, those sparks, it all felt so real.


Hey guys!

I hope everyone is doing well.

How is the 2nd chapter? Let me know in the comments.

I hope you like my story. I'm only 16 so there might be mistakes and all.

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