CHAPTER-4(first day)

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Alexandria's P.O.V:

I quickly got ready for my school. I was homeschooled for two months. Due to my mental health, and my past, Veronica thought it was not good for me to go to school.

Putting on my hoodie and jeans I looked into the mirror. I sigh. These dark circles are never gonna leave me.

Applying some concealer under my eyes and some mascara, I left my hair down.

The scars on my hands are slowly vanishing but not the ones on my back.

He did this to me, he thought I killed her, everyone thought I killed her. But it was an accident. No one believed me. He never liked me because I was not his blood, this was just a reason to hurt me.

They blamed it all on me and helped him torture me. Abuse me.

They isolated me without food for days.

Oh no! I'm having my episodes again. I can feel my tears threatening to be released. I feel weak again. If only I can forget them.

I can't let my demons win, at least for her. She is the only one who cared for me, even after knowing my past. I promised her, I'm strong. At least I will try to be, for her.

I opened my arms wide, breathing in and out.

After I calmed down I made my way to the kitchen.

Sighing, I took my seat for breakfast. Soon Veronica came with two plates of waffles.

We ate silently.

Veronica asked, "so.....ready for your first day?"

I simply shrugged. I forgot how the school feels like. A school is a place where everyone studies together. But now it's like, you bully others or others bully you.

We quickly ate our breakfast. Veronica drove me to school.

Sighing I got out of the car. I don't know much about cars but I do know that our car is a black Ferrari. I love jeeps and bikes.

Everyone is staring at me. I think they are looking at the car. I hate attention. I quickly pulled my hoodie over my head to cover most of my face.

I turned to Veronica for a quick goodbye. She waved me back with an encouraging smile and a thumbs up.

Still, everyone is staring at me. Hasn't anyone seen a new girl or some rich students? They are staring at me like I am some alien.

I started pulling my hoodie even more. The girls are looking at me in disgust and jealousy.

Wow! I didn't know that I could make someone jealous.

After all, I'm just a girl with ash-blond hair, grey eyes who lost their shine, dark circles, permanent sad face.

I wonder what will they do when they find know about my past. Everyone will hate me for sure.

Brushing those thoughts, I made my way to the front desk.

There was this short and old lady with glasses on her nose. She seems to be busy and irritated.

I cleared my throat and asked, "excuse me miss?"

She looked up at me through those glasses and gave me a warm smile. She spoke, "what is that you need my dear?"

I thought she would be rude as she was irritated but no, she seems to be sweet and kind.

"I am Alexandria Everdeen?" It sounded more like a question.

Yeah, my last name was changed from Rivera to Everdeen. For my safety as Veronica puts it.

"Oh! So you are the new kid" she smiled brighter.

I gave her a confused look.

She replied, "don't get me wrong dear, but we don't get much of new students ".


"So....your locker no is 307 and this is your combination and your schedule " she handed me my schedule and my books.

I quickly made my way to my locker stuffed my books in and made my way to my first class.

I quickly made my way to the last bench, and soon the lecturer entered. He started his lecture. I already learned the topic he was teaching when I was home-schooled. I was getting bored.

I have a photographic memory. So there won't be a problem even if I don't take notes. But chose against it. I don't want others to think I'm weird.

Soon the lecturer gave us a problem and asked if anyone could solve it. Some raised their hands, while some didn't. I didn't cuz in my old school, I used to raise my hand to solve everything, and all the others would call me a nerd and tease me. But I'm not a nerd. I just have a good memory. That ain't my fault.

But seems like my luck is against me cuz the lecturer called me to solve it. I quickly got up and solved it. I love math.

The lecturer asked, "what is your name dear?"

"I'm Alexandria Everdeen" I'm a bit nervous now, too much attention.

"Thank you, Ms.Everdeen, you may have your seat".

I quickly made my way to my seat. Soon everyone diverted their attention to the lecturer.

But I can feel someone staring at me. I looked around to find a pair of blue eyes. They seem familiar. He kept staring at me. I raised my eyebrow but he just grinned. I gave him my best death glare and turned to the person teaching in the front.

Soon the class was over. I quickly made my way to my next class. Exactly like the last class, I took the last seat. But this time I wasn't alone. Soon a girl with red hair sat beside me.

I looked at her, she smiled at me and extended her hand.

I awkwardly shook it and said "Lexi"

She said "Emma".

She quickly asked, "so.... you're new here, where are you from?"

"New York "

"Damn! I always wanted to go to New York"

I smiled at her enthusiasm. It feels good to make friends but somewhere in my mind a voice said 'don't get used to it, when they find out about your past they will leave like everyone else'.

That is true though after that incident my whole family turned against me and blamed it on me. Now I can't trust anyone except Veronica.

"Lexi, Lexi?"

I looked towards the voice. Oh! I must have gone lost in my thoughts.


"Your face paled as if you have seen a ghost or something " she is concerned. Well, this is something new. No one showed concern towards me except Veronica.

"I'm fine, Emma, just lost in my thoughts, don't worry, " I told her.

'Don't worry that's what I have been telling everyone.

Soon the class was over. I have the next two classes with Emma and the guy who was looking at me in the first class. He didn't look at me this time. I guess he was looking at something else.


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