CHAPTER-7(bunk with me)

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Asher's P.O.V:

"Bunk with me" I ordered her.

She replied with a simple 'sure'. She is following me to my car but I kept my hold. She didn't seem to be bothered by it.

I opened my car door for her like a gentleman. She looked at me and muttered a 'thanks' but kept her blank face. I smiled at her and took the driver's seat.

She didn't even ask where we were going. I'm actually surprised cuz normally girls pester.

She seems distracted by something.

I asked her "you alright?"

She looked at me "yeah, I'm fine" she said like she said that infinite times.

She can lie so smoothly.

This morning I had a conversation with Veronica.

~~~~~~》conversation between Asher and Veronica 《~~~~~~

Veronica asks "Lexi is your mate, isn't she?"

Asher's face instantly brightened up. "yes" he replied politely with a smile.

She smiled in amusement "I didn't know, you could smile" she teased.

He grunted at her.

She gave him a serious look before saying " I know you will take good care of her, so there is no need for giving you a death warning but I have a question?"

He smiled at her and asked, "Which is?"

"Why didn't you enquire anything about her, I know you noticed that there is something wrong with her, and I know how you are, you will know the person's whole biography before meeting them". She replied.

"I'm just giving her some time, I'm sure she will tell me when she is ready". He replied confidently.

"You will be a great Alpha just like your father" she stated suddenly out of nowhere.

He was confused why she said that all of a sudden but thanked her.


We sat in comfortable silence. She was sleeping peacefully like a baby. She must be tired. I drove us to my favorite ice cream parlor. I used to come here with my mom and my sister.

Rose started sweating. Her face showed uneasy emotions. She is having a nightmare. Without any second thoughts, I started shaking her.

"I didn't, please stop" she begged.

She jolted awake and looked at me, fear evident in her eyes. I pulled her into a hug. She was trying so hard to control her tears but they escaped her beautiful eyes. I hugged her tight, rubbing her back, saying calming words. She cried hard.

"I'll kill whoever caused this" Grey snapped.

"Me too buddy" I replied.

"Breathe" I reminded her.

After she calmed down, I put my hand on her small waist and guided her into the parlor.

Soon the waitress came "hi, what can I get you?"

I ordered for us both " one chocolate fudge brownie and one mint chocolate chip ".

She nodded and walked to get our orders. I turned to Rose. She was staring at me with amusement.

"It's a habit, I always order for my sister and mom" I replied.

She nodded.

Soon the waitress returned with our ice cream. Yet she(Rose) was watching me like she wanted to ask something.

I quickly asked, "what is it?"

She shook her head.

"What is it Rose?" I asked again with much patience. She asked.

"Why are you calling me by my middle name?" Her voice is still sore from all the crying.

"I know that isn't your question but I'll answer it, I like calling you Rose cuz you are like a rose, delicate yet strong and threatening like its thorns, now what is it?"

She looked into my eyes and asked "don't you wanna know about my nightmares?"

I stated, "I know you aren't ready to share".

She seems to be satisfied by my reply cuz she went back to eating.

"She is so cute" Grey stated.

"And hot too" I replied to him.

We ate in complete silence. I kept on staring at her.

Aware of my constant staring, she looked up and stated "you are staring".

I shrugged "can't help it".

Her ears turned pink. She is blushing. She quickly looked away.

"Aww, don't hide your blush from me, Rose!" I teased.

She quickly looked at me, into my eyes. Her mysterious yet beautiful grey eyes.

Soon the waitress came with our bill. We don't know for how long we were like this. I was about to pay, but Rose stopped me.

"How much?"

"No, it's on me" I tried to make her understand that it's not a big deal but she wouldn't listen.

"Rose!" I warned her.

Thank God she stopped. After paying the bill we made our way to my car. I, being the gentleman I am, opened the door for her. She sat. As soon as I took my seat, she spoke.

"Thanks for today" she confessed.

"No need to thank me cuz it's me who should be doing that, so thank you" I stated.

She nodded.

She surely amuses me every time
I drove us to Veronica's place. She is one of us. My mom and she are best friends. She watched me grow, she is like a second mother to me. She also told me about her leave for two weeks

We soon reached our destination. I unbuckled my seatbelt and turned to Rose. She also unbuckled. I was quick to walk to her side to open the door for her and extended my hand.

She took my hand and got out of my car. I walked her to the main door. I was still holding her hand. She didn't seem to mind to which I'm thankful.

"Today was fun" I informed.

She nodded with a smile.

Man, I couldn't get enough of that cute smile of hers.

I looked at her one last time and made my way to my car.

I drove to my house with a smile on my face.

I'm not gonna let her down. I wanna know her fears so badly but I know, if I do something stupid, it will end up so badly for me. I trust her and now I know that she trusts me too, she will tell me when she is ready. I will kill anyone who causes her pain.


So..I'll try and update every Saturday.

I hope everyone is doing good.

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