Chapter 169

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Jenna stared at Sirius with wide eyes after he blurted those few words out. Her mind was racing and her heartbeat picked up.

"You — you want a baby?" Jenna said in a hollow tone, hoisting herself up on the bed as she gaped at him.

"Well, yeah," Sirius said with a grin, shrugging casually as if he were asking for the simplest thing in the world.

"Sirius, raising a baby is hard! It's not ice cream! You can't just want one any time!"

"Why not?" He chuckled.

"What you mean 'why not'!" Jenna said sharply. "It's not easy, Sirius."

"But Lily and James are managing it all right!" Sirius tried to reason.

"Well, Lily and James don't have a bloody mission awaiting them!" The words left Jenna's mouth before she could stop herself.

This was rather a sensitive subject, because every time either of them brought Jenna's future mission with Dumbledore up, it always led to a fight or an argument.

Sirius went slightly pale in the face as he looked away. He had completely forgotten that she had to leave soon. But when she was going to be sent away or how long it was going to take, neither of them knew.

So Jenna then sighed, shaking her head. "Look, I want to do this with you. I do want to have kids some day. But now's not the right time."

Jenna waited for him to say something, but when he didn't, she went on,

"We're in the middle of a war. What if something happens to either of us and the other has to raise the kid alone? What if we both die and our child becomes an orphan?"

Again, Sirius remained silent. He hadn't really thought about it this way, and now that she had mentioned it, he realized that she was right.

"So... er..." Jenna started after a long pause, trying to desperately change the subject. "What were you trying to say before we received the Patronus from James last night?"

"What? Oh, right!" Sirius shook his head, remembering. "W-well, I was going to ask about our — you know — wedding and when you wanted it to be. But you're right. It can wait. We... we've got time."


After that day, Sirius and Jenna wanted to visit Harry again, or to go see Frank and Alice's son, but things in the Wizarding World was worse than ever.

The Death Eaters had specifically targeted the people in the Order. The Bones family was already murdered along with many other Order members, surging a rage of terror among everyone.

They were all being watched throughout the month that passed, making it almost impossible for them to leave the house.

Marlene had asked her entire family to go into hiding and Marvin was no longer going to Hogwarts, afraid that the Death Eaters would kidnapp him on the way.

But at last after a long month of staying in the house, Sirius and Jenna managed to make a quick Dissaparation and go to Godric's Hollow without being followed.

"Do you have news from anyone? How about Alice and Frank?" Jenna asked Lily and James, but they only shook their head.

"But Remus did manage to show up last week to see Harry," said Lily. "Poor guy... he looked miserable."

"Of course he did," James nodded, "the full moon was only a few days away. And it's been months since any of us could be there for him. He had to be alone throughout that horrible time."

"Where is he now?" Jenna asked with a frown.

"In a cottage, miles away from any human being," said Lily sadly as she put Harry to sleep. "His mother is terribly sick, but he hasn't even been to visit her, afraid that the Death Eaters would bring his parents harm because of him."

"And he's not in a good state financially either," said James. "I tried to offer him help, but he wouldn't accept it. I mean, it's been like that for everyone, hasn't it? None of the Order members can go to work."

But jus then, they all came to a halt when they heard a knock on the door as they were sitting in the living room.

"Stay here," said James as he got to the feet abruptly with his wand in his hand, going toward the door.

Sirius and Jenna also reached out for their wands and Lily held on tighter to Harry, all on their guards.

But a minute later, they all relaxed as a cheerful voice said from out of the living room, "Guess who's here! Auntie Mar!"

Jenna laughed, getting to her feet and running forward, bringing Marlene into a hug.

She then gasped as her eyes fell on Harry, who had now shot awake in Lily's arms. "Well, hello, little Dorky!"

"What?" Lily raised a brow at her.

"It's his nickname!" said Marlene, looking down at him. "You know? Short for 'Elvendork'."

Lily and James shot a glare at Sirius, who only sniggered.

"Actually, his name is Harry," said Lily.

"Oh, you changed it?" Marlene questioned.

"No," said James, still glaring at Sirius with folded arms. "Sirius only thought he was being funny by making up fake names for our son."

"Oh," Marlene sighed sadly, obviously disappointed, "so his middle name isn't 'proof-that-James-and-Lily-shagged'?"

"Sirius!" Lily snapped angrily, while he only laughed.

"Sorry, couldn't resist," said Sirius with a grin.

After some while, Marlene went to the kitchen to help Lily with lunch, meanwhile Sirius and Jenna followed James upstairs so he could put Harry to sleep. But the little baby was in a playful mood and nothing they did could make him fall asleep. So Sirius offered to hold him for some while.

"Ugh, what's that smell?" Sirius grimaced after a few minutes, holding Harry away from him. "Prongs, I think your baby's broken."

"Huh?" James raised a brow and took Harry from Sirius, but he too grimaced in disgust. "Er... Lily?" he called out loudly. "I think we have a code brown!"

"I'm cooking!" Her voice rang from downstairs.

"Damn," James muttered to himself and sighed, placing Harry on his bed.

He then took out his wand a with a few flicks, he changed his diaper and threw the old one in the trash.

"There you go, my stinky little boy," James said with a smile, holding Harry up in his arms and moving him around gently until he fell asleep in his arms.

Jenna smiled. "How you went from the most troublesome boy in school to the most adorable dad in the world, I'll never know."

"Well, because I had the most adorable boy in the world," said James with a grin, looking down admiringly at Harry.

But his grin turned into a sad smile as he said, "I just wish Mum and Dad were here to see it."

Feeling her eyes fill up with tears again, Jenna gave him a little smile. "I'm sure they'd be proud of you, Jamesie-boy."

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