Chapter 181

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After the meeting had come to an end, the Death Eaters left the Malfoy Manor and walked out of the enormous iron gates, Disapparating one by one.

    Jenna had already seen through Alecto Carrow's memories in Dumbledore's Pensieve and therefore knew where she lived and where she had to go now. So after stepping out the lane, she threw one last glance at Amycus Carrow and then Disapparated, finding herself moments later in a small village miles away.

     The Lacock Village was filled with small and old houses, standing close to each other. It seemed to have rained there a few hours ago, for the ground was still damp.

      Jenna hugged her cloak more closely to herself against the autumn cold as she walked with Amycus toward the house he used to share with his sister, the sound of their footsteps echoing through the empty and dark alleyways.

      "So who do you think is our source in the Order?" Amycus asked out-of-the-blue, catching Jenna off guard.

       "No idea," Jenna muttered in Alecto's voice. "Does anyone know? On our side, I mean."

      "I suppose Lucius knows," Amycus assumed rather bitterly. "The Dark Lord trusts him the most. Malfoy is his right hand, isn't he? Dunno what he sees in that blond bastard."

      "Hasn't Malfoy said anything in the past?" She asked, trying sound casual. "Clues as in who it might be?"

      "Dunno, do I?" Amycus growled, as if irritated by a question he could not answer. "But must be a sneaky one. It must be hard being in that Dumbledore's presence and be able to lie that easily, innit?"

      Jenna quite agreed. It was hard to be a spy on another side. But surely it was a thousand times more horrific to betray Voldemort than Dumbledore, who forgave and trusted easily.

      Once the brother and sister walked into their house, without a single goodnight, Amycus disappeared upstairs, shutting his bedroom door behind him with a snap. But Jenna hesitated a little before walking in.

      The inside of the house was designed with old black furniture that were all covered in dust, as if they hadn't been cleaned in years.

      Jenna's thoughts were all over the place and she felt her headache bending her down. So with her legs still trembling, she walked upstairs into her new room that she was to stay in for the next few months.

       The small chandelier above her was covered in cobwebs and the door made a cracking sound as she was closing it. With that, she took out her wand and placed many protection enchantments around her room so no one could hear her or come in the room.

      So sighing to herself, Jenna took out her black traveling cloak and walked toward the mirror inside the room. Looking at her reflection, she saw a young woman with dark red hair and pale face. There was no color on her lips or cheeks and there was dark bags underneath her eyes, which gazed emotionlessly.

     So Jenna closed her eyes and focused, returning herself back to her own form. It took a lot of her energy to stay in form of someone else for long hours.

     It was specially hard to perform magic in another form, because most of her energy went into her Metamorphic abilities and didn't leave much for casting spells. It was easier to remain as an animal, because being a cat didn't require much wand work or didn't need other magical abilities.

      So now that Jenna was finally back in her own form, she felt a bit of the tension wash off her as she stared back at her own reflection in the mirror.

      Once she had caught her breath and felt like she finally had enough power within herself to perform magic again, she took out her wand once more.

     Dumbledore had warned her not to have any contact with the Order unless absolutely necessary, so it would decrease the chances of her exposure. But Jenna knew that this was necessary.

      So with her wand in her hand, she closed her eyes, remembering her last night with her friends, when they were all singing as they sat around the fire, feeling happier that she'd ever felt before.

      So she swished her wand, muttering, "Expecto Patronum!"

      On cue, a silver light left the end of her wand, slowly forming the feature of a cat and it floated in her room as Jenna gazed up at it. She had to make it as quick as possible.

      "Tell Dumbledore that they're coming after all of them. Tell them to go into hiding. Now."

     And with that, the cat floated out of the window, vanishing out of sight. But just then Jenna jumped out of her skin when she heard a loud bang at the door.

      "ALECTO! Open the damn door!" Jenna heard Amycus yell from out of the room, knocking harshly.

      Panic washing over her, Jenna quickly ran toward the mirror, watching herself transform back to the form of Alecto Carrow.


      "COMING!" Jenna shouted back in Alecto's voice after she had taken off the enchantments from around the room and so opened the door.

       "Did you get the message?" Amycus asked urgently, rolling up his sleeve to reveal the Dark Mark upon his forearm, which was slightly moving and looked larger and more alive than before. "We've been summoned by Dolohov. He's found them."

      Jenna felt a shiver run down her spine, but trying her best not to melt down, she nodded firmly and said, "Yeah, I got the burning too."

      "Well? What are you waiting for!? We've got to go to Burnsall, Yorkshire." Amycus said sharply, before bearing a sneer upon his face. "We don't want to keep the Prewetts waiting."

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