Chapter 7

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“Dude get off your damn phone. You’re killing me. If you don’t focus I might shoot you myself!”

Riley put his cell down and picked his game controller back up.

“You’re just jealous. And even I can’t help you stay alive.”

“Jealous? Of you and your cyber chick? I don’t think so. I like my women in the flesh, someone I can really hold on to…”

“You can stop there man” Riley laughed. “I don’t want to hear about what you like in your women, and I use that term loosely.” 

Riley put his controller down and grabbed a drink out of the mini frig. 

“I’m going to the gym for a bit before coming?”

Mitchell flexed his biceps after shutting off the tv. 

“I guess I could use a work out.”

Riley rolled his eyes. He knew his roommate would find a chic watching him workout and start putting the moves on her. He would “help” her workout and leave with a number. 

Riley’s cell went off again. 

I think I like Nerd better...nice to meet you Riley -M

Riley smirked. If only she knew what he really was like...he thought to himself.

I told you my name...i think you should tell me something about you. It doesn’t have to be personal. Just curious. -R

I told my best friend I finally picked a college -M

Oh yeah. What did she say?-R

“Are we going? You know you can bring your cyber chic with you…”
Riley wanted to punch his roommate but just grabbed his key and followed him out the door. 

Well from what I got from all the high pitch screaming she is excited we will be together at college...and a little jealous she wasn’t the one to help me officially decide.  -M

What you told her about me? You didn’t tell me your best friend was going to the college you picked. I’m surprised it wasn’t an easier decision for you. -R

I just said “someone” so don’t get too excited. And like I said its complicated. -M

Sorry Sweets I got to go. ttyl -R

Riley walked into the gym and was happy to see it was empty. He put his earbuds in and started his warm-ups.


Melody walked down stairs to the amazing smell of lasagna and garlic bread. Her mom wasn’t the greatest cook but this was her one specialty. Every Sunday her mom cooked it and the entire family sat down for a family dinner. SInce Landon moved out it was just her and her parents. She smiled walking into the kitchen. Music was coming from the living room; if the TV wasn’t being watched music was always playing in this house. Her mom was setting the table, humming along to the music. Her dad was at the sink rinsing off the cooking dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. 

“I was just about to go get you for dinner.” 

Melody grabbed a drink and sat down at the table. 

“I’ve been up for a while on my phone. I just couldn’t resist the smell of your cooking any longer.”

“How is Zoe doing?”

Melody hid a smile. She thought it was funny her mom just assumed she was talking to Zoe on the phone. 

“She’s good. She’s really excited for school to start. She nearly screamed my ear off. We all know it has more to do with the parties we will go to than the actual school.”

Her mom stopped putting food on her plate and stared at her. 

“We? So you finally decided where you’re going!?!?”

“I thought you might catch that. Yes, I’ve thought a lot about it and I want to stay close to home.”

Melody started to laugh at her mom, who was practically jumping up and down in her seat.

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